Replace beads on a plastic bottle!


The author of the Solka, having drawn inspiration from the trees from the beads.

So, for a start, the bottle must be cut into pieces. In this case, the holes and manicure scissors helped me. In principle, the billet can be any form, but I thought round.

Each piece of spinning needle (sewn) and gently heated over fire. Here the main thing is not to overdo it and stop in time! First, your piece of plastic will begin to change the shape and bend what we need, but if you keep too long, it will boil and tightly sticks to the needle and if you keep even longer, it burns or turn into a droplet and runs away.

We get something like this. I really liked the unpredictability of the final form and waviness.

First did the piece and after it was already collected on a wire. But after decided to try to speed up the work.

Powering holes in the blanks immediately gathered them on a wire and straight on it brought to fire.

This is a small subtlety, it is necessary to warm up to warm from the fingers gradually moving towards the edge of the wire (if you look at this photo, then moving to the right), then you will not have a desire at some point to intercept the end of the twig at some point (because he HOT).

Everything happened. And everyone can decide for himself as more convenient, warm in one detail or gather in a twig and heated everything at once.

And here are the first twigs for trees !!! Hooray!

But a couple of years ago, throwing out empty bottles of mineral water (Essentuki then sold in luxury ultramarinic bottles) I was already thinking about what I lick something priceless ...

P.S. Work requires caution and the presence of an adult person.

1. Detachments after heating are noticeably hot, try to do not touch them for the first minute (I carefully tighten them from the needle about the steepness of the saucer):

2. Plastic when heated smells - not much, but after a while you will feel;

3. If you get very close to the fire - light up !!!!!

4. There will be a lot of bottles, on average there will be 2-3 pieces on the tree, it is convenient to cut and stored in a roll (cut off the neck and bottom).

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