Finnish candle: all ingenious - just


On a trip to the lake, I decided to make the famous stump with vertical cuts, which young Finca surprised the experienced Siberian lumberjacks (a funny story!). It turned out to be like in the same story: first I was subjected to public riming and criticism, and then critics themselves were lit by chainsaw, manufacturing all new and new chumbas with cuts ...

A piece of a dry pine or spruce log is taken up with a length of at least half a meter and from one end of the chainsaws are made two crushed "cross-elast" along the Churbak about three quarters of its height. A certain amount of gasoline or other combustible mixture is poured into the center of the propil. The flame applies to the center of the Churbak Up, the side slots serve to enter the oxygen in the burning area. Long burgach Long, a few hours, and during this time you can not only warm the kettle, but also cooking a serious dish ...

Such a type of fire who calls the Finnish candle, who is an Indian candle, and who and the Swedish candle. Sometimes you can hear the word Volya or even "turbop".

My main slip in the manufacture of the first in my life of the Finnish candle was that I took a raw, almost thorn the pine log in the rain. After a few unsuccessful attempts to set up his center from the bottom, under the ridicule of friends I put this chumback on the ordinary fire with a painted end to the fire . It took just a couple of minutes so that the wood on the cut dried, it took fire, and the first of my Finnish candle earned, and how I earned it! .... the enems were replaced by the exclamations of surprise and approval, the people immediately began to offer options with a lot of cuts, right up to eight

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