Effective and budget way to sew a bath: a thoughtful solution that provides comfort


The rational use of the place under the bathroom is particularly relevant, because under the premises of such functionality, as a rule, negligible space is given. A great solution is to replace the deaf trim opening. One of the easiest and budget options for the construction of the screen will be a louvral door. If you wish, you can choose them under the bath of any size.

Effective and budget way to sew a bath: a thoughtful solution that provides comfort

Among the auxiliary materials needed to create a frame of wooden bars, furniture magnets, waterproof paint and silicone sealant.

Effective and budget way to sew a bath: a thoughtful solution that provides comfort

The frame frame is made of wooden board, pre-coated water-repellent paint. Each of the lolan doors opens, which allows you to fully use the place under the bath.

Effective and budget way to sew a bath: a thoughtful solution that provides comfort

Thanks to the design of the door and the presence of the slit, additional ventilation is provided. For mounting magnets on the site of the junction of the door, a shortened plank is used, which makes access to the bathroom completely free.

Effective and budget way to sew a bath: a thoughtful solution that provides comfort

Vertical racks are fixed using silicone sealant.

Effective and budget way to sew a bath: a thoughtful solution that provides comfort

A spectacular started by the screen backlight.

Effective and budget way to sew a bath: a thoughtful solution that provides comfort

More details regarding the manufacture of a practical and aesthetic screen for a bathroom from the lolan doors in the video below:

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