Table top for wood table do-it-yourself


Furniture do it yourself

Table top for wood table do-it-yourself

I was always surprised that the cost of interesting things is much higher than ordinary, ordinary. All shirpotreb. What is interesting, the production of such things is not always more expensive than the simplest, cheap furniture, etc. Unfortunately, the market was built. But in the presence of direct hands, fantasies and decisiveness, you can make a lot of things with your own hands and for the singer of penny.

I want to introduce your attention an unusual countertop, made of spis branches, with curly ditch, volume, etc. Anyone can make such a thing in the presence of basic skills of working with instruments and desire.

Table top for wood table do-it-yourself

So, the base is a thick plywood cut in the form of an egg. Pattern (grooves) made from the board. The inner part (decoration) - with spising thick and thin branches. Cut the board from the board. We glue with the base with the help of a tree glue.

Table top for wood table do-it-yourself

Table top for wood table do-it-yourself

Table top for wood table do-it-yourself

Table top for wood table do-it-yourself

Large and small branches cut into width. We lay out in the grooves as tight as possible. The task is not simple.

Table top for wood table do-it-yourself

We glue each element. Next, fill it all the epoxy slits, so that a smooth surface without a fifth is obtained. After that, we glifted the entire surface, stepping for one level. The next stage - we open everything with varnish.

Table top for wood table do-it-yourself

Table top for wood table do-it-yourself
Table top for wood table do-it-yourself

Tabletop is ready. You can install legs. Very original solution. This kind of thing is very expensive, but non-real efforts can be made with your own hands, make your interior more worked out, deep. Thanks for attention

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