Garden figures do it yourself


My beloved has come. Time to put in order dacha at home and plots. I really like when in the country not only a lot of colors and fruit trees, but also decor elements. In my opinion, the decor in nature is very appropriate.

I am crazy about the ceramic figures of dwarves, from beautiful lanterns and decorative fountains. But even more I like the country decor made by the careless hands of the owners. Perhaps such products look not so bright and exquisite, but they seem to me more cute and mental than those that brought from the store.

When the daughters were shameful, we organized a children's corner at the cottage. The husband made a big sandbox and swing. We even bought a hill! As is customary, the main decor on our playground was from automotive tires and plastic bottles. Agree, we have the most popular material for the manufacture of garden figures.

We tried to portray for children a fairy tale. From large bottles, we made three piglets and wolf. This composition was located near the sandbox. And near the swing "lived" two frogs from green plastic bottles. The lake for them was made of several tires, cut and interconnected.

Dear readers, tell us, do you decorate your country sites? What ways?

Garden figures do it yourself

Garden figures do it yourself

Garden figures do it yourself

Garden figures do it yourself

Garden figures do it yourself

Garden figures do it yourself

Garden figures do it yourself

Garden figures do it yourself

Garden figures do it yourself

Garden figures do it yourself

Garden figures do it yourself

Garden figures do it yourself

Garden figures do it yourself

Garden figures do it yourself

Garden figures do it yourself

Garden figures do it yourself

Garden figures do it yourself

Garden figures do it yourself

Garden figures do it yourself

Garden figures do it yourself

Garden figures do it yourself

Garden figures do it yourself

Garden figures do it yourself

Garden figures do it yourself

Garden figures do it yourself

Garden figures do it yourself

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