Boy from India, who dreamed of becoming an artist since childhood


The boy from India dreamed of becoming an artist

These works resemble popular hyperealism drawings now. But for their creation, neither paint, no pencils were used. These pictures 35-year-old Master from India embroiders!

The boy from India dreamed of becoming an artist

Arun Kumar Bajaj (Arun Kumar Bajaj) in childhood dreamed of becoming a real artist. He painted perfectly and saw himself in the future famous and not poor. But at 15 years old father died and the guy had to be quitting school and to do a family business. Like his dad Arun became a tailor.

The boy from India dreamed of becoming an artist

But the guy manifested creativity, it was just not interesting to sew and he tried to join the dream and reality. So the idea was born to embroider pictures on the usual sewing machine.

The boy from India dreamed of becoming an artist

The idea of ​​creating tapestries and embroidery of paintings is not Nova, at different times and different peoples it was a common occupation. But Aruna managed to achieve amazing detail in his works, making them real works of art.

The boy from India dreamed of becoming an artist

So the creation of one of the pictures is the image of Krishna - took three years, it took 2840 km of multicolored threads! The result was a cloth of 183 to 122 cm. Another picture, which the artist embroidered a year, contains more than two thousand detailed characters.

The boy from India dreamed of becoming an artist

Interestingly, the guy uses the most simple sewing machine, absolutely not adapted to such complex creative work. In this stitches are superimposed into one layer to make work more thin, exquisite. And his workshop is located in the bazaar in the city of Patila in Northern India.

The boy from India dreamed of becoming an artist

The boy from India dreamed of becoming an artist

The boy from India dreamed of becoming an artist

The boy from India dreamed of becoming an artist

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