How to paint your hair at home is no worse than in the cabin (we argue, you did not know about the bow)


If you can paint your hair, you will soon freeze. " Probably, every girl who at least changed the hair color, heard this phrase. In fact, modern paints nourish, give shine and even laminate. But, unfortunately, staining at home can lead to unpleasant consequences, ranging from unexpected color and ending with loneiness and hair cross section. To avoid this, you need to follow a number of simple rules. Collected tips to help you paint your hair at home is no worse than in the cabin, and do without unpleasant surprises.

Decide with the type of dye

How to paint your hair at home is no worse than in the cabin (we argue, you did not know about the bow)

Before painting your hair, you need to decide not only with color, but also with the type of dye. You can divide them into four categories: blonde, physical, chemical and natural. They differ in variety of color palette, resistance, penetration depth.

To buy a dye, it is better to contact a professional hair cosmetics store, where sales assistants will help choose the right to choose a shade and oxide that will bring minimal harm to hair.

Blonde dyes

How to paint your hair at home is no worse than in the cabin (we argue, you did not know about the bow)

Blonde dyes can brighten your hair to three or more tones. They work by removing natural pigment from hair - melanin. Blonde dyes need to be applied on dry and dirty hair, But heated curls during staining is extremely harmful and even dangerous. Spetsbolds use high percent oxides - from 6% and higher.

Remember that the paint does not clarify the paint. And for clarifying previously colored hair, it is better to use powder, which is worth purchasing in a specialized store. It is mixed with oxide in proportion 1: 2, where one part is powder, and two parts are oxide.

Apply the clarifying powder starts with a nape, retreating 3-5 cm from the roots. Roots are painted last. The temperature of the roots is higher, the reaction is faster there. Clamp better at oxides to 6%. A high percentage of oxide can simply turn the protein, because of which the hair will get yellow, and all further manipulations with discoloration will not bring the desired result. In no case do not add water, shampoo or balsam to the mixture. This disrupts the technology of clarification, and the result becomes unpredictable.

Chemical dyes

How to paint your hair at home is no worse than in the cabin (we argue, you did not know about the bow)

This group of dyes also consists of two components: paints and oxide. Changing the color of the hair occurs by penetrating the dye molecules inside the hair. Chemical dyes are well painted with seeding and have a varied palette of shades. Before applying them to the hair, be sure to make an allergybing on the bending of the elbow.

A chemical dye is applied on dry dirty hair, starting with a nape and moving to the forehead. After the discharge of the hair of the non-metallic comb for uniform color distribution.

Through the hair painted as follows: the roots are applied on the roots, withstand 10-15 minutes and combed to the hair tips. So that the difference between roots and length is less noticeable, choose the same paint (brand and number).

Physical dyes

How to paint your hair at home is no worse than in the cabin (we argue, you did not know about the bow)

These include tinting dyes for hair. These are painting tonic, foam, gels, masks. They envelop hair outside the film and do not react with the pigment of the hair. Such dyes are one-component, they are not mixed with oxide. They will not be able to make your hair lighter, so the resulting colors can be either darker or tone.

Physical dyes are applied to fresh hair. They can be mixed with each other to obtain new interesting shades and tinting hair after clarification. Unfortunately, too dark hair is not exposed to physical dyes, preliminary clarification is required. The longer the extract of the dye on her hair, the brighter and rich color.

Natural dyes

How to paint your hair at home is no worse than in the cabin (we argue, you did not know about the bow)

Henna, Basma, Chamomile, Walnut, Lukova, Tea, Coffee - Dyes created by nature. They cannot radically change the color of the hair, but only change the shade. Natural dyes are desirable to apply to curls that are not subjected to staining and chemical twigs. They are clogged into hair scales, due to which the shade changes. After staining with natural dyes, do not forget to put on the head insulated cap.

Correct paint

How to paint your hair at home is no worse than in the cabin (we argue, you did not know about the bow)

We chose paint, and this is half success. The second half is competent application.

  • Before starting staining, drink hot tea, coffee or mulled wine to improve blood circulation in the leather vessels of the head.
  • Do not forget about protecting - gloves and cape on the shoulders. Apply bold cream or vaseline on the ears, neck and hair growth line. They will not allow paint to absorb the skin.
  • If you doubt whether you will suit the color and how it will fall on your hair, then spend the test on strands. Paint a small strand of hair and after 24 hours, evaluate the result.
  • Add a vitamin complex or auxiliary substances that protect the hair in the coloring mixture. You can also buy them in specialized stores.
  • Mix the hair paint in non-metallic tank and immediately apply on the hair.
  • Divide the hair into 4 parts: the occipital part, two temporal and frontal. The paint should be applied on samples from the nape, moving to the forehead. On the back of the body temperature below, which means that the process of staining will be slower. Whiskey stained last. Strand Start painting from roots - and to the tips of the hair. Exposure time needs to be counted only after the whole makeup will be applied to the hair.
  • Squeeze the paint from the skin of the head, hands and neck will help micellar water, alcohol or makeup removal agent.

Do not forget about leaving

How to paint your hair at home is no worse than in the cabin (we argue, you did not know about the bow)

Care after dyeing will help keep not only hair color, but also their quality. Shampoos against dandruff and detergents for fatty hair irritate the skin of the head and deteriorate very quickly. Therefore, it is better to use a lineup for painted hair or a children's shampoo.

Hair care products are now represented by balsams and masks containing pigments Supporting hair color or neutralize yellowness. They apply in the same way as conventional leaving compositions, withstand a few minutes and wash off.

Do you have your own lifckers for hair coloring?

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