The most serious error in repairing in the kitchen


I went to visit the parents the other day and was horrified. Repair here was made a few years ago, but the builders made a serious mistake, which significantly worsened the quality of life of living in the apartment. The error is clearly visible in this photo. Do you find her?

The most serious error in repairing the kitchen apartment, error, repair

This is a standard error that almost all builders allow. The channel to the ventilation shaft is closed with a round tube to which the hood box is connected on the stove. And on the exhaust it is the check valve. Thus, when the exhaust hood is off, the air exchange in the kitchen is missing. The situation is repeatedly aggravated if there is a gas stove, which in the process of work in huge quantities highlights cut and carbon dioxide. Open the window for ventingity is ineffective, because Air convection in the missing hood is minimal.

2. The lack of ventilation negatively affects health, and the carbon monoxide is generally deadly for a person. So you can not do! We take the perforator and increase the hole for a rectangular overlay with two ventilation channels. Upper for connecting an exhaust, the lower for ventilation of the kitchen itself while the extractor does not work.

The most serious error in repairing the kitchen apartment, error, repair

3. The second error is to use the channel with a diameter of 100 mm on the hood. The cross-sectional area is in this case extremely insufficient in order to provide an air exchange of more than 100 m3 / hour, and this is much smaller even the first stretching speed. It is not necessary to use the air channel with a diameter of 125 mm, which will change the air in the amount of up to 350 m3 without problems. /hour.

The most serious error in repairing the kitchen apartment, error, repair

4. Proper ventilation in the kitchen. The feeling of a stuff was lost, which was present even with the open window (the kitchen appeared his ventilation channel). The noise from the exhaust decreased several times (due to an increase in the diameter of the air duct to 125 mm). The kitchen has become comfortable.

The most serious error in repairing the kitchen apartment, error, repair

It was searching for pictures on request "photo repairs in the kitchen" - in 9 out of 10 cases exactly the same error: the ventilation channel from the exhaust 100 mm and the absence of a channel for ventilation of the kitchen itself. What is the use of the so-called "Euro-repair" if the builders violated all the rules of the ventilation device in residential premises (especially in the presence of a gas stove)?

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