What to do with unnecessary clothes


What do we do with old clothes when we don't need more? Surely we throw it or give to other people: relatives, friends or in need. Approximately we do with shoes and other things. We believe that by passing things to others, do a good thing. But whether it does not promise problems.

Vital energy

In ancient times, people believed that personal belongings were closely related to the owner in the energy plan. Hair, man's skin particles stay on his clothes, shoes, clocks, decorations ... There are many superstitions in which there are many superstitions in which Energy of things Remove to the fore.

Men's vital energy

Vital energy

It is believed that about 80 energy channels pass through the feet feet. So, shoes - a thing through which passes Maximum vital energy man. When some of your shoes wear some other, its energy channels are in contact with the information that was saved in shoes by changing it.

All this affects both the old owner and in the new. Starting shoes for a person, you risk amenable to the evil influence of its energy.

Women's vital energy

Consider what things are dangerous in the energy plan.

Dangerous things

  1. Hats, caps and other hats, as well as devices that had regular contact with hair and head.
  2. T-shirts, T-shirts, panties and other elements of the native and underwear.
  3. Backpacks, bags, wallets. The transfer of these things can badly affect financial consistency.

    Life energy of man

  4. Pillowcases, duvet covers, mattresses. These things are considered a symbol of family well-being and peace.
  5. Interior and pocket mirrors. By passing them into other hands, you can lose a part of your own attractiveness.

We are talking about things that were used for direct purpose more than once. If the thing is new, then you can give it without fears. You can also freely give upper clothes. If you still worry about your energy, then you can wash the thing by adding salt to the powder, which erases Energy traces.

Vital energy on zero

If you send well-done clothes, shoes, or other personal belongings on a landfill, pre-cut them into several parts to completely eliminate the possibility of their further use on purpose.

The people also have long ago there is a lot of admission that concern the energy of our personal belongings.

Folk signs

  1. Having giving up the clothes with a poor or low-income relatives, a person deprives part of the energy and can become poorer.
  2. Buying clothes or shoes for the last money, a person has a problem with money.
  3. Nuting new clothes on big holidays, a man attracts good luck.

Believe in signs Or not - everyone's personal matter. But if our ancestors for centuries believed in these patterns, then it is likely that it makes sense.

We recommend from time to time to spend at home the ritual of purification. It is to assemble 100 unnecessary items in a residential room, which then need to be attributed to the landfill

The attention has been paid damaged, as well as the things that did not use the last year and do not intend to use in the future.

Vital energy

A source

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