That is why it is impossible to charge from the phone in the outlet ...


We are very often with you, without thinking, leave charging from the phone in the outlet, but it happens because of the rush or forgetfulness or banal laziness. Probably, many of you at least once a question arose, and it is harmful.

That is why it is impossible to charge from the phone in the outlet ...

So, let's start with the most harmless causes that only hit your wallet. Now there is absolutely all charging of the impulse type and therefore when the phone is not inserted into it, the charging still continues to consume electricity, since parallel to the chains are inserted resistance, it takes the load. Yes, consumption is not significant, but still it is. Therefore, if you fight for a reduction in the total electricity account, then I think empty spending to you for anything.

The next minor factor is a gradual decrease in the effectiveness of the charger, which is connected constantly to the network. I will make a reservation immediately, this reduction is practically not noticeable by the usual one, but this negative factor is still present. And if you will exploit the charging for a long time, after a couple of years, notice that it has become much worse to charge your gadgets.

And now we move to a weighty and essential reason not to charge in the outlet.

That is why it is impossible to charge from the phone in the outlet ...

As you see capacitors, there are capacitors inside charging (the size of the capacitors directly depends on the size of the charging, for clarity, the image of more overall models is taken). Come on, our networks are very far from ideal and if the system has a sharp voltage jump, which is found in the system Quite often, that is, the likelihood that the low-quality capacitor or "tired" from time to time will not stand and will simply explode, which can bring to the fire in your home. In addition to capacitors, lowering transformers may fail, which can also lead to a fire in the house.

Yes, this probability is insignificant, but in my personal opinion it is better to completely eliminate even the shortest probability of trouble.

In general, experts recommend (and I fully agree with this recommendation) any charging in the outlet should only be in the presence of a person and if you need to leave the room for a while, then you must remove charging out of the outlet.

Perhaps this article will still change your attitude to the charger and you will turn it off from the network and not to use without your personal presence. Thanks for attention.

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