And once the husband said: "Make it!", And I decided - why not?


  • And once the husband said:

It has long been dreamed of my kitchen, but there is simply no money for her acquisition (it is very expensive to order on my rather big kitchen) ..

And once the husband said: "Make it," and I decided - why not? Since before that, from the furniture, I already made a wardrobe coupe, I decided to risk.

I drew a long time and thought that I would like and finally came up with. Since this is my first experience drawing and hoped LDSP for almost a month ... That was my sketches!

Kitchen for lovers save. Once the husband said:

That's how I painted every closet

Kitchen for lovers save. Once the husband said:

A month later, I made a list of the necessary and went to order sawl. And even the edge of the glue itself (savings was in everything)

Kitchen for lovers save. Once the husband said:

And now, finally, all cabinets are ready. And my husband and I started collecting the kitchen together. That's how everything looked until there was money on the facades

And this wardrobe I felt very long - he was needed, because there is no wardrobe for dishes above the washbasin

Kitchen for lovers save. Once the husband said:

So it became when the husband attached the facades

Kitchen for lovers save

That's how it turned out. Downstairs there is a niche that will be used under the dishwasher

Kitchen for lovers save

I will say the truth - my kitchen cost me half cheaper than customized. And even taking into account the fact that in it all cabinets are closed by closers!

Save your money! And do not tell the phrase "I do not know how." I also did not know how, but I coped!

A source

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