Children's plaid with dogs


Children's plaid with dogs

A cozy children's plaid with dogs will bring pleasure not only to children, but also adults.

Size: 82x86 cm.

Necessary materials: SUPERWASH CASCADE 128 yarn (100% wool; 117 m / 100 grams in the MOKE) - 6 MAK MOKS (thread a), 1 Motion color Ecru (thread c), on a small pumpkin color and sapphire colors (thread C and D) .

Required tools:

Circular spokes number 6 80-100 cm long, 4 bobbins for knitting intarsia technique.

Children's plaid with dogs

Knitting density: 16 loops and 22 rows = 10 cm facial stroy.


The plaid is connected in the technique of intarsia, when each color area is performed from the thread on a separate bobbin. At the point of changing the color, the threads are crossed on the wrong side.

Circular spokes are used to knit a large number of loops.

Children's plaid

Start knitting:

Thread and score 137 loops on the needles.

Tie 6 rows facial loops.

** Start Knitting Figure A:

Note: The color of the leash changes through each motive and performed with threads with and D.

1st row: * 5 facial hinges thread A, 28 loops pattern A according to the scheme; repeat from * another 3 times, 5 facial hinges thread A.


2nd row: * 5 facial hinges thread A, 28 loops pattern A according to the scheme; repeat from * another 3 times, 5 facial hinges thread A.

The 1st and 2nd rows establish the location of the drawings. To knit the drawing A to 32 rows inclusive.

Tie 6 rows facial loop thread A.

Children's plaid

Start knitting drawing in:

Note: The color of the leash changes through each motive and performed with threads with and D.

1st row: * 5 facial hinges thread A, 28 loops of drawing in according to the scheme; repeat from * another 3 times, 5 facial hinges thread A.

2nd row: * 5 facial hinges thread A, 28 loops of drawing in according to the scheme; repeat from * another 3 times, 5 facial hinges thread A.

Continue to knit drawing in up to the 32nd row inclusive.

Tie 6 rows facial loops thread a. **

Repeat from ** to ** again, then tie again figure A.

Tie 6 rows facial loop thread A.

Close all loops.

Squate the ends of the threads and slightly sip the children's plaid.

Description of the plaid from the designer Monica Russel is translated from the magazine "Simply Knitting" No. 203 2020.

Children's plaid with dogs

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