Do you like watermelons? And they guessed that watermelon seeds are so helpful?


Do you like watermelons? And they guessed that watermelon seeds are so helpful?

In the summer we have the opportunity to enjoy a delicious berry - watermelon. He is adored and adults and children. But in the process of absorption of the watermelon, we often throw away the most useful part of it, seeds.

Breeders even brought watermelons without seeds. But they are so useful for our health! That's why.

Do you like watermelons? And they guessed that watermelon seeds are so helpful?

It turned out, watermelon seeds can also be eaten. They are dried, grinding in flour and make a paste. Either roast and mixed with sugar, salt or honey. So do not rush to throw watermelon seeds. This is a delicious and useful delicacy.

The dried watermelon seeds are 30% composed of protein. There are many amino acids in their composition that are involved in the formation of muscle tissue.

Here are what useful minerals and vitamins are contained in watermelon seeds:

  • Magnesium - it regulates the pressure and blood sugar level, participates in carbohydrate metabolism;
  • Zinc - Strengthens Immunity, makes hair healthy and shiny;
  • Iron - participates in the production of red blood cells; The use of watermelon seeds is excellent prevention of anemia, they eliminate weakness, constant fatigue;
  • phosphorus, copper, manganese;
  • Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, for example, omega-6 - it reduces high blood pressure, reduces the level of "harmful" cholesterol in the blood;
  • Vitamins of the group in - they help to convert food entering the body into energy.

In the seeds of watermelons a lot of fiber, which helps the operation of the digestive tract, removes slags and toxins from the body.

Do you like watermelons? And they guessed that watermelon seeds are so helpful?

In the culinary traditions of Eastern countries, watermelon seeds are served fried with different spices. In the countries of Africa based on crushed seeds of watermelon, soups are prepared, sauces. This product is not afraid of heat treatment, all the beneficial properties of watermelon seeds are preserved.

Do you like watermelons? Have you guessed that watermelon seeds are so helpful?

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