How to choose the Bulgarian pepper


How to choose the Bulgarian pepper

Bulgarian pepper is a storehouse of vitamin C. Even citrus and currants are not competitors. Yes, and salads and other dishes it complements the best way. In addition, the use of sweet peppers contributes to good metabolism and digestion. But few know how to Choose Pepper Depending on the purpose.

how to choose Bulgarian pepper

Like many other vegetables, the Bulgarian peppers exist "boys" and "girls".

"Piggyback of useful tips" You will be happy to tell you which differences between them and for which each of these species is suitable. And the difference, believe it, colossal!

how to choose Bulgarian pepper

Sweet Bulgarian Pepper

To find out how gender pepper in front of you, just turn it out. If pepper 4 sectors is a female type. If 3 is male. That's the whole secret of its bulges. Also, other external differences can be attributed to the form: "Boys" are more elongated, and "girls" are wider and shorter. And now we turn to the most interesting - taste differences and application.

how to choose Bulgarian pepper

Pepper taste The female is much sweeter than male. In addition, "Girls" are softer. They are better to use fresh. Make different cuts, salads, but in stew or to meat it is better not to add - the dish will be very watery.

how to choose Bulgarian pepper

Representatives of male have diametrically opposing qualities. They are more sour and solid. Therefore, they are perfect for conservation, stew and other dishes, which require heat treatment. They can also bentry. In principle, in the raw form they are delicious, but not as much as the Bulgarian peppers of the female.

how to choose Bulgarian pepper

It is still interesting that the peep boys are much less seed inside. So if you want to take peppers for planting, it is better to give preference to peppers-girls.

how to choose Bulgarian pepper

I certainly few people know that most of all useful vitamins and trace elements are located in the area near the leg of the Bulgarian pepper, which we often cut and throw away. Another lifehak: the heavier pepper, the more juicy.

how to choose Bulgarian pepper

When buying a Bulgarian pepper paid special attention to his tail. It should be green and elastic. It is extremely recommended to buy pepper with dry or black fruit. In it clearly will not be anything useful.

how to choose Bulgarian pepper

Pepper with specks, too, do not buy. Especially for consumption in the fresh form. Damages, points and blown on the skin and the fruozca say that the fruit is struck by fungus. And orange spots say that the fruit has become a victim of insects.

how to choose Bulgarian pepper

Fresh pepper can be stored in the refrigerator about a week. But it should not put it in plastic bags - it will be rapidly spoiled and after 2 days it can become unsuitable for salad.

how to choose Bulgarian pepper

Choose only delicious and fresh bell peppers that will benefit your body.

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