How to apply tea mushroom in cooking


How to apply tea mushroom in cooking

Now a organic and grandmother's recipes at the peak of popularity. If more than 30 years ago Infusion of tea mushroom It was possible to meet only in the Soviet dwelling, now he flooded the United States and Europe. It is sold in bottles with different flavors and advertise as a healthy alternative to traditional carbonated drinks. But the infusion of Combuchi can not only drink, but also to apply in cooking.

Application of tea mushroom

This is a fairly budget way to diversify your menu and make dishes even more useful. The editors will tell about 5 ways to use tea mushroom in cooking.

What is a tea mushroom

Tea mushroom has a variety of healing properties: antibacterial, painkillers, anti-inflammatory. In addition, it is able to reduce cholesterol in the blood and resolve blood pressure. In folk medicine, the healing properties of a tea mushroom have been used: with urinary bubble diseases, stomach, kidneys, liver and headaches.

Application of tea mushroom

This is explained by the fact that it contains a lot of useful substances: alkaloids, vitamins, enzymes, glycosides, aromatic substances, also sugar, acetic acid and alcohol. So prepare on its basis the dish and seasonings so that they render the healing effect on your body.

Tea Mushroom in Cooking

  1. Homemade vinegar

    To prepare an excellent vinegar at home, you need to pour tea mushroom tea and sugar in the usual way and leave to wander for 3 months. After this period, the resulting infusion should be boiled within an hour, strain, cool and pour on bottles. For a spicy taste, you can add mustard seeds into vinegar, in the calculation of 1 tbsp. l. Grains per liter of fluid.

    Application of tea mushroom

  2. Sauce for meat

    You can cook the fragrant sauce that will be great to complement all meat dishes. Grinding 100 g of Greek nuts, add 3 crushed garlic cloves and 100 g of bread, camp in milk. Add 100 g of melted butter, 1 tbsp. l. Vinegar from tea mushroom and salt. Thoroughly mix everything - ready.

    Application of tea mushroom

  3. Okroshka

    Instead of the usual bread kvass or kefir, the okroshka can be fed by a 3-day infusion of a tea mushroom. It turns out a super-sole refreshing soup.

    Application of tea mushroom

  4. Marinade for kebab

    With the help of tea vinegar from the first recipe you can make meat gentle and give it hardly catchy sourness. On 1 kg of meat it is necessary to take a third glass of vegetable oil, 4 tbsp. l. Tea vinegar, salt and pepper to taste. All ingredients are mixed well and leave meat in the marinade for 4 hours. Skewer gets very tasty!

    Application of tea mushroom

  5. Bread

    On a 3-day infusion of tea mushroom, you can prepare a buckle for baking rye bread. To prepare, mix 150 ml of tea kvass with 150 g of rye flour and a teaspoon of sugar or honey. Put into a warm place for a couple of hours and use as bread sourdough.

    Application of tea mushroom

Despite the uy of positive properties Tea mushroom contraindicasan People with diabetes and chronic fungal diseases. With increased acidity of the stomach, it is recommended to drink infusion of tea mushroom, prepared on the basis of solely black tea, adding honey to it. In the case of individual intolerance or poor well-being, stop taking the infusion of tea mushroom and all the dishes on its basis.

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