Sophie wool from dog to finished product


It all started with toads.

I have a hush. Hus regularly lines. I'm his scratch, and I add wool in the package. Throw sorry. To give the hide on acquaintances no one, and for money - expensive (I do not consider the width value, but I can't pocket). In the end, I decided - which I just did not study, even in the pre-internet era, and now, in the era of YouTube, God himself ordered, lets herself.

Then I started studying the match.

For spinning, you can use spinning shield with spindle

Self-coated wool from dog to finished spinning, knitting, needlework with process, long, dog wool, dog

There is a mechanized version - self-making. There is no spindle in it, it winds the thread on the spool, the kitteral is spinning with a foot drive

Self-coated wool from dog to finished spinning, knitting, needlework with process, long, dog wool, dog

There is its modern version - an electric stitching.

Since I was not sure of the final result, I did not want to financially financially. The minimum necessary subject of all options was the spindle, which I bought on Avito for 200 rubles.

After one day of workout, I generated the first string of the length of the half meter. By the end of the second day I had a small tangler uneven, but still yarn. It was even possible to knit it.

You can spin with or without the base. Although some types of raw materials are impossible without the foundation, but if you spin only with the basis, you can't really feel. So I began to study immediately without the foundation. And before skill, by rumors, about two years of permanent training.

So, I saw that the raw material decreases rapidly, much faster than the experience is growing. And with this you need to do something. Buy wool - not our way, and I threw the cry on acquaintances: help, good people who do not need wool from dogs, I will accept as a gift, I can do not promise high quality. Familiar responded and gave a bag of self-seed wool.

Samoyed is such a dog (suddenly who does not know)

Self-coated wool from dog to finished spinning, knitting, needlework with process, long, dog wool, dog

Honestly, the wool in the bag did not resemble him, more reminding the dirty swelling syntheps

Self-coated wool from dog to finished spinning, knitting, needlework with process, long, dog wool, dog

With clean wool work more pleasant, and there is less chances for allergies. After washing wool looks already more pleasant.

Self-coated wool from dog to finished spinning, knitting, needlework with process, long, dog wool, dog

Further the wool would have to be sealing. But equipment for Chesia is much more expensive than spindle, and I have toad. So manually overpowering the wool, manually choosing the repusion from the tail, the remaining and small plowed lumps, which are no longer disassembled (by the way, there is no certainty that the heating will completely relieve this interesting lesson). At the same time, all the fibers lie in one direction - this is called a Cudel, and it is already possible to spin.

Self-coated wool from dog to finished spinning, knitting, needlework with process, long, dog wool, dog

Here I snapped with the base (any thin thread). Extract a small amount of fibers and twist, rotating spindle. The finished thread on it is wound.

Self-coated wool from dog to finished spinning, knitting, needlework with process, long, dog wool, dog

This thread for knitting is not very good - due to twisted in one direction, it will flush the knitted canvas. Therefore, you need two (more than) threads to preserve - twist together in the opposite direction. At the same time it will become stronger.

Outcome - baby socks, one pair

Self-coated wool from dog to finished spinning, knitting, needlework with process, long, dog wool, dog

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