Painting for mosaic: master class


Painting for mosaic

Many people like the objects decorated with mosaic - ceramic fragments of tiles. But far from many there are broken tiles in sufficient quantities. We will go to another way and just do the decor to the mosaic, and how - see below.

We have to paint not a large fountain of three jugs.

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Getting to work!

For work, we need the following materials:

1. Acrylic paints.

2. Brushes

3. Various sponges.

4. Lacquer for outdoor work (we recommend alkyd-urethane, but because our fountain will be a acrylic sonnet under a canopy)

5. If the surface is glossy, it should be projected so that the paint is well closed with it.

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To begin with, we need to paint the decorated surface in the main white color. If the color will be bought through one thin layer, you should apply a few more, but also thin. The thick layer of paint will dry for a long time, forms a crust and may later crack.

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Further, chaotically draw color figures and patterns on the surface of the subject.

After drying, we draw a black acryon of the streak, imitating the edges of the broken ceramic fragments.

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You can later as needed, add color and parts.

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For a larger effect, we draw a thinner brush along the middle of the dark strips, thinner gray. This will give the complexity, detail and fraction of painting.

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After the paint is completely dry, it must always be covered with 2 layers of varnish. To do this, it is better to use a soft synthetic brush with a long pile.

That's what we did!

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