Master class: "What can be done with a face from a non-lamp?"



Well, wardrobes and mezzanine, hold on, your calm life has ended. Somewhere I had a Celluloid head from the Nevaskiy Soviet times. Long time I wanted to do from her tea, so it's time for this. I can sew a manual seam and scatter on the sewing machine - the same skills will be required from you.

I have no sketch while I do not have and I pull all the beautiful rags, threads and rings, which come across my eyes.

While there is a process for collecting textile material, the future image and sketch is born in my head. In the Word of the "Tea Air Heater" lives a warm and cozy girl, which will "lead" by our tea drink!

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The sketch shares the material assembled into a bunch of two components - "necessary" and "unnecessary".

The wrong head of course she had seen species and it takes a small cosmetic repair and of course, the mount for attaching to the body. Wire mount monolithium epoxylin brand "Moment", and halsels tear up a glossy lacquer of black "Marabula".

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Of course, teas we will sway with the rams and buns. Harvesting, glad and hospitality reflect in the lush forms of our tea heating. The process of creating its magnificent forms is simple and simple: a pair of large beads we are tightened with a dense cloth and freamed to the future torso with plow glue and threads.

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Handles - rectangles, make a slight packing with syntheps. From the leaf felt, Crow Primitive mittens, stitching with a manual seam. Connect the handles with mittens and bustics :)

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From a wide Indian braid, make a jacket and decorate the velvet skirt.

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For the "tenderness" of the image to the Indian braid will add white cotton lace.

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Pieces of artificial fur will go on a hat and cuffs.

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Add a little embroidery with beads on the mittens, a simple snowflake will be to the place.

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On the hat - a pomponchik and a bow of organza. Jacket - microscopic "buttons".

Skirt - a bell with one seam, a national on the waist.

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Here is our Girl "Winter" - the tea warmer is ready.

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She left the street, but not from our kitchen. Let this tea heater reminds us that one day the winter will return again and, perhaps, from this thought we can with a great feeling to enjoy the upcoming summer days and of course, fresh tea!

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