If shoes are torn on the backs


Who do not want to have only high-quality things? But now the world rules the mass market. And somewhat naively expect from sneakers from Zara quality, like the latest ADIDAS collection. Although the respected brand is not a guarantee of quality.

If shoes are torn on the backs

If we noticed that sneakers or sneakers began to shock on the backs, then do not hurry to get upset and save on new ones. With a common problem, you can cope at home. That's what folk craftsmen advise.

If shoes are torn on the backs

The shoe pad is the first place that shows traces of wear. Especially if we are talking about sneakers or dies. And while the lining is rubbed from the inside, many ignore the alarming signal. But when the material begins to crack outside ... so that it was not too late, take measures immediately as notice the first "symptoms" (as in the photo). And this folk lifhac will help save the sneakers.

You will need:

1. Fragment of the tissue of a similar score of the shade (it is best to use jeans by virtue of its strength and wear resistance);

2. Adhesive shoes;

3. Thick needle with thread.

Step 1

If shoes are torn on the backs

From the fabric cut the patch of the desired size. For better durability and imperceptibility, make it a bit rounded. Get the insole from sneakers and shoe glue gently attach it to the backdrop from the inside.

Step 2.

If shoes are torn on the backs

Top "set" a piping with a needle and dense threads. It must be done so that the patch does not move from above. That with a reusable use of shoes is quite possible.

Step 3.

If shoes are torn on the backs

Cut all the roughness and uneven edges of the patchwork. Everything can be shoved: I will not notice anything outsidered! So with the purchase of a new pair of a ked, you can wait a little.

If shoes are torn on the backs


If shoes are torn on the backs

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