How to sew a robe with smell with your own hands with a pattern and without patterns for different sizes: detailed instructions, photos, video



How beautiful to get out of the bath and get into a warm home bathrobe. What to do if a high-quality product is a bunch of money, and there is no possibility to purchase it

The optimal output is to sew a bathrobe at home. From this article you will learn how to sew a homely bathrobe with a smell with a pattern and without it.

How to sew a bathrobe with their own hands without a smell?

  • It is very convenient to wear a bathrobe with a smell, since it is not necessary to additionally sew buttons or lightning. In addition, accessories can break and disappear, which will lead to permanent repairs. It can deliver to you significant discomfort.
  • The best material for homemade bathrobes with a smell - knitwear. If you use the sieve, it will be full of you. This option is only suitable for miniature women.

Optimal amount of material

  • If you are going to sew a bathrobe with a smell of a width of about 150 cm, then its length should be equal to the width. If the width of the roda is about 90 cm, the length is better to increase by 2 times.
  • The bathrobe for the house with the smell can be sewed universal size (from 42 to 46). If you wear a size 50-54, then you will need to increase the width of the product.

How to cut a robe?

  • If you have chosen a narrow fabric, then it is necessary to add it in half in cross section. Incurrent side should be inside. If the use of wide tissue is meant, then it should be folded in half along. The starve should be inside.
  • The number of seams also depends on the size of the tissue. When using wide tissue, you can make the minimum number of seams - only on the shoulder part. A narrow tissue implies a straight seam on the back. To do this, you should retreat from the left edge of the fabric about 2 cm, and to figure out the future suture line.

How to sew a robe with smell with your own hands with a pattern and without patterns for different sizes: detailed instructions, photos, video
Approximate cutout scheme

Line of the neck

  • From the back (on the left side) from the top you need to retreat 1.5 cm to make the seam. After you need to measure 2 more, and mark the neck depth.
  • From the top to from left to right you need to mark 10 cm. It will be the width of the neck. Named points must be connected to each other.

Width of the product

  • It is important to sew a robe with your own hands quickly, you need to correctly determine the width of the product so that it does not throw movement.
  • In addition, wide products are better preserved heat, therefore it is the perfect option for the cold season. To determine the width of the robe, the amount of thighs should be measured, sharing a value by 2, and add 20 cm. That is, if the volume of your hips is 100, then the width of the robe must be 70: (100/2 + 20).
  • Memore from left to right width of the product. If it is planned to sewing large sizes (48-54), then it is better to make a small supply.

Line cutout on shelves

  • On the right side from top to bottom, it is necessary to postpone 1.5 cm to form the seam. Memore the length from the shoulder to the waist. From left to right (from the top) you need to measure the width of the neck.
  • Points that turned out in the process of measurements need to be connected Smooth line. To facilitate this process, use the lecturer.

How to calculate the line of the Prum and Niza?

  • Determine the tissue center, and from top to bottom, measure the width of the arm. To do this, it is necessary to highlight about 2 cm on the seam, and add 24 cm. Cut the material along the designated line.
  • If you initially correctly determined the length of the robe, then the line of niza is not required to determine. In the case of using a large roll of tissue, measure the optimal length that will match your growth. Follow the line, and cut the product according to the marked lines.
  • To make more convenient to use a bathrobe, can make fabric residue belt . It is better if it is 2-5 cm wide. Such belts are more practical and durable.

Next, you need to firm the shoulder seams and you can try the product. You can decorate the edges of the Kolata as an oblique baker and ruffles.

How to sew a robe with smell with your own hands with a pattern and without patterns for different sizes: detailed instructions, photos, video

How to sew a robe with smell with your own hands with a pattern and without patterns for different sizes: detailed instructions, photos, video
Ready result

How to sew a robe with smell with your own hands with a pattern and without patterns for different sizes: detailed instructions, photos, video
You can decorate Ryushiki

How to sew a robe with odor: pattern

  • Before proceeding with the pattern, decide on the cloth. For a warm season, it is better to use smooth and lightweight materials that will not stick to the body. It is best to use silk.
  • If you have never come across a sewing a bathrobe, and for the first time you are experiencing your strength, it is better to refuse silk. Only experienced seams can work with him. Stop your cotton, which is quite easy to use.
  • For the cold season, give preference to warm materials. Remember that such fabrics are difficult to sew with hands. To work you will need a sewing machine.

How to sew a robe with smell with your own hands with a pattern and without patterns for different sizes: detailed instructions, photos, video
Dressing robe with odor

Step-by-step instruction patterns:

  • First you need to carve out the back. Put on the fabric a point A, which will be the first vertex. After measuring the volume of the hips, add 6 cm to this value, and share the value in half.
  • Measure it from the point and this value (in the side), and mark it with the point V. Down from the first vertex you need to measure the same line, put points C and D. You must have a complete rectangle.
  • Spend from the point 4 cm down, and make the shoulder line. Mark the Line NK. The pattern of the back will be carried out through the points of AUSDC.
  • Next is carried out Sleeve pattern . From the point in you need to carry out a horizontal line, which should be leveling the length of the AB, or its part. It all depends on your preferences. From point d, run the line equal to half the length of AV. Name this point W. Complete the rectangle, placing the point O. Increase the shoulder line while the segment does not cross with a duct point. Put the point G.
  • Pattern transfer. From point and spend the line equal to the length of the VD. Put the R. point to the left of the horizontal line equal to the length of the AV. Put a point from the segment AV retreat 8 cm, and mark the point M. Make the front line of the lectal type. Connect the points M and R. back from it 4 cm. The negligent shelf is ready.
  • Pattern of the collar. Measure the length of the segments of IV and C. Connect the values ​​to obtain a total value. Measure the resulting length horizontally, and put the points A and V. Take these lines: AB - 15 cm, BG - 20 cm, GD - 9 cm.

How to sew a robe with smell with your own hands with a pattern and without patterns for different sizes: detailed instructions, photos, video
Required data required

How to transfer measurements to the material?

Step-by-step instruction, allowing to transfer measurements to the fabric:
  1. Fold the cloth twice, and make a fold that will be the central part of the back.
  2. From the fold you need to postpone half the length of the maximum segment, and make the allowances of 7-8 cm. Swipe the line parallel to the split to form the shelf center.
  3. In the upper part, draw a shoulder line. Make cutouts for the neck. Its optimal depth - 5 cm, and width - 8 cm.
  4. Make a 10 cm shoulder from the formed cut, and 2 cm beep.
  5. Swipe from the back to the waist.
  6. The line of waist is better to do more by 10 cm, and split the drawing width twice.

How to increase the pattern?

If you want to make a pattern of a robe with a smell more, follow these recommendations:

  1. Make horizontal lines in front, rear and sleeve. In the chest area you need to make vertical lines.
  2. Cut the material according to the marked lines.
  3. Add 10 mm to each part, and the side items should be increased by 5 mm.
  4. Circle new lines, and cut them.

If necessary, you can make the pattern even more. It all depends on your clothing size.

Right tailoring of Kolata

Step-by-step instruction Tailoring Kolata:

  1. Form the sinks along the contours of the pattern, along the central part of the hip, and in the entrance contours of the pocket. In the central of the back you need to make gaskets.
  2. Tear the upper and lower elements of the front side of the input of the entrance to the pockets. External parts are squealing the side and central detail of the transfer of a robe to the points are on the same level.
  3. Sust Shoulder and belt Out on the back.
  4. Sust with the different cuts of the collar.
  5. Sust Side Cuts.
  6. Side the weld after fitting.
  7. Success pocket. The upper and lower part needs to be placed along the circuit of entering the pocket. For the processing of the lower cut, attach to each other external side of the wrap. Purchase sections, and make 1-cm seam.
  8. Move the garment To the inside , Make edging seam at the bottom, and swallow the site. Route a separate line 2 cm from the bending place of the element. Sew the upper and lower side of the robe in the area of ​​entering the pocket.
  9. The middle part of the drawing is aligned with the side, and step them. Make a cutting mark, and pass it with iron. By relief, form the seam finishes.
  10. Sust and waste all sections. Process collar and edges of the product.
  11. Make the sleeves with a sleeve, and enter them in the armor.
  12. Side the inspection of the product. If you wish, make buttons or stop at the option with the belt.

How to sew a robe with smell with your own hands with a pattern and without patterns for different sizes: detailed instructions, photos, video
Additionally you can sew pockets

How to sew a robe with smell with your own hands with a pattern and without patterns for different sizes: detailed instructions, photos, video
So you can get a warm bathrobe with comfortable pockets.

How to sew a robe with odor: Examples of patterns

Realizing the process of sewing a robe with the smell you want to diversify your home wardrobe or please close. That is why we offer you patterns of bathrobes with a smell that will be useful to you to create elements of home clothing.

How to sew a robe with smell with your own hands with a pattern and without patterns for different sizes: detailed instructions, photos, video

How to sew a robe with smell with your own hands with a pattern and without patterns for different sizes: detailed instructions, photos, video
Rabbit sew alone

How to sew a robe with smell with your own hands with a pattern and without patterns for different sizes: detailed instructions, photos, video
Stylish homemade bathrobe independently

How to sew a robe with smell with your own hands with a pattern and without patterns for different sizes: detailed instructions, photos, video

As you can see to sew a robe with the smell, it is not necessary to undergo sewing courses. It is enough to prepare the necessary tools and fabric. If you adhere to the above instructions, you will not make a comfortable robe. The process will take just a few hours.

Collection of video on the sewing of bathrobes with a smell with pattern, without pattern: how to sew a robe with a smell and a sled collar, a bath, knitted, silk, classic, kimono quickly?

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