Wallpaper remnants, resuscitation ... do it yourself a cozy home!


Wallpaper remnants, resuscitation ... do it yourself a cozy home!

New facade of the chest of wall residues

Main materials:

    • Several small pieces of wallpapers from different rolls;
    • White paint;
    • Thin twine for new handles.

Remove drawers from the chest, process the tree sandpaper. Color all the elements, and after drying the paint, glue the wallpaper on the facade pieces of the boxes. Collapse the loop from a piece of twine, painted the same paint, to go into the hole from the old handle and fasten the back side with a solid node.

Carry out a house of the wall in the children's room from the remnants of wallpapers in the nursery - simple and fun.

The original solution for those who have a lot of wallpaper on a little bit - make a map of the world and decorate the whole wall in the children's room. Very nice, funny and developing - note that the images of animals, which are found there, and photography of cities are close to countries and continents.

Such Decor remnants of wallpaper It is even good in that it leaves the child to the fantasy and the ability to continue to decorate the wall - with the help of clipping magazines about nature, etc. Take note!

One of the most popular ways in Europe to apply wallpaper remnants Making from wallpaper "Pictures". Remains of wallpaper Gently glued on hard cardboard (organitis) and the resulting "picture" is inserted into the frame and hanging on a monophonic wall.

The main secret of success - the color of the wallpaper should be supported by the color of other walls or accessories (as in the photo - yellow pattern of wallpaper rhymes with yellow walls).

Such pictures are usually made from the wallpaper with a spectacular pattern - large colors or refined pattern or with multi-colored geometric shapes. They must be large enough to assess the beauty of the drawing.

Such "paintings" are perfectly suitable for decorating monophonic walls. If you make a room with combined wallpapers (three wall-mounted walls, one is highlighted with wallpaper with a pattern), you can safely do a couple of such pictures and hang them opposite the selected wall.

You can make similar paintings and from two and even three different types of wallpaper - The main thing is that they are combined with each other in color and drawing.

And of course, Wallpaper remnants used for decor must come to the rest of the things in the room. On the photo from above - a completely witty solution - vertically-oriented "paintings", each of the same band remained wallpaper. However, there is nothing blue in the interior, and it is not good. The sulfur pillow was better replaced by the blue - then the effect would be stronger.

Popular Trend - make out of the remnants of wallpaper And hang them in the style of Wall Art. Agree, the solution is elementary, but how witty and originally it looks.

With this unusual Decoration wall Of course, we should only be monophonic - otherwise the room will turn into a milk porridge.

Pictures from wallpaper remnants need to be trimmed. On the photo on the left, the picture with a geometric pattern of wallpaper is tightened by all attention and distracts from a very beautiful "painting" with a pink flower that hangs above. And with a thoughtful approach, Wall Art from wallpaper remnants is a great idea.

Wallpaper remnants are easy to decorate the hallway. If you have a small entrance hall, in which there is still no wardrobe and there is only a hanger, as in the photo on the left, and you want to give her a fresh look - this is a good way.

Council . In the intensive use zone, the wallpaper is better to cover with colorless acrylic varnish - it will protect them from abrasion.

You can use the remnants of wallpaper in the hallway and for pasting the top of the walls. This is a very budget way to update the hallway - the walls are painted, and the top is worse with the remnants of wallpaper on one roll width. It becomes very pretty and well helps those who are still far from repair.

Decorate the built-in wardrobe residual wallpaper - Very extravagant idea, however, as you can see on the photo on the right, can be very productive.

The interior on this photo, generally speaking, minus the cabinet is rather poor, and I do not exclude that the owners simply scored these beautiful remnants of wallpapers from their friends or bought them with a big discount on the sale. Also, the decision, by the way, is not yet possible to make a full repair, why not reproduce the interior for a little money?

Wallpaper remnants are a good way to highlight the headboard in the bedroom, as in the photo on the right. True, this method is suitable for beds with a missing or very low headboard.

The same wallpapers used for the head of the headboard went to the decor of a small box on the bedside table. It gives a beautiful and unobtrusive rhyme. I note that the wallpaper is generally not intended for the salary of things with a large number of folds, which are boxes. Wallpaper, especially heavy vinyl, poorly bend and can form ugly folds. But if you do everything neatly, the effect is excellent.

Indeed, sometimes the remnants of wallpapers are so ideal for creating a decorative box, which is not sorry and tightened.

Council . Camping the box, well soak the wallpaper with glue so that they become wet and easier bend. If the wallpaper is thick and heavy, wake each plane of the box with a separate piece, gently singing them on the box bends.

Previous ways to use wallpaper remnants are not the most popular in Russia, but the next one was once very common.

Keep the wallpaper remnants The inner surfaces of the cabinets and buffets is what is called in Europe "grandmother's design".

Indeed, it has the naive charm of the economical old life. However, as you can see on the photo on the left, this method can be applied not only on the old country, but even in a completely modern interior.

Let's stop more detail on the decoration of furniture remnants of wallpaper. I picked up a few photos for you, which just lead to delight.

Old Furniture, Wallpaper Residues And painted on the contour to the tone of their drawing, it looks very beautiful, and most importantly - individually, the interior immediately acquires his style. However, this is very serious, neat work. It is necessary to consider the old paint, it is good to sand the surface and paint it with white paint so that the dark color does not shine through the wallpaper.

Next to paint what will be not under the wallpaper, in the desired color, and then perfectly gently stick the wallpaper (and the modern vinyl wallpapers glue only the top layer - with a pattern, separating it from the bottom layer of the base). And then the entire surface is covered with varnish, so that the wallpaper does not grieve and that their edges do not grind, and the entire surface has become one. As you can see the whole technological process.

If you are ready to tinker (by the way, I recommend this to those who work a lot at the computer - distracts perfectly) for the sake of good results - fine. If not, it is better not to start - spoil and furniture, and materials.

Of course, efforts to renovate furniture should be applied only if the furniture itself has not rotted and did not fade, that is, if its basis is in good condition. It's a shame so much work to be treated on the chest of drawers, which will fall apart in a month.

Wallpaper remnants are often used in American design for the manufacture of decorative letters. In general, this technique is to decorate the house letters - becomes very popular.

Imitation of Chinese SVITS:

Japanese style wall panel

Make a frame frame made of wooden plates and bring inward two vertical strips at an equal distance. Horizontal planks come from a back side. Paint the frame of the mourn or any other paint and stick into the walls in the windows.

Shirma from wall residues

Main materials:

    • about 6.5 pillights of bright wallpapers with a thin elegant pattern;
    • 4 Panels of chipboard (or organic) size 1.50 x 0.50 cm.

Creamen the panels with each other with a dense painting tape (by texture resembling a leucoplasty) or piano loops. On the front part stick wallpaper. Carefully convert and carefully smoke their edges from the opposite side - on the sides, and on the combined parts - the joints of the canvas. This design looks especially effectively on the background of dark or bright walls, adding a bedroom of reflected light.

Cozy workplace

Put the stand for magazines sidewall on the wallpaper and circle a pencil, gradually turning it out from one side to another. Clear out the wallpaper and take the stand. Cut the irregularity with a dummy knife.

Blinds from wallpaper residues It can be easily done by himself.

Stylishly looks an internal staircase with the slated wallpaper remnants of the approaches. It is ideal for the remnants of moisture-resistant wallpapers, harmonizing the color with the surrounding interior.

Service tray from wallpaper residues

Main materials:

    • Cut wallpaper in accordance with the style of your interior or the mood you want to see the product,
    • polyurethane or wooden profile, in length equal to the perimeter of the future tray;
    • the segment of plastic (Fiberboard or plywood), for the base of the tray;
    • Slim glass with treated edges or high-quality transparent plastic;
    • 2 Furniture handles.

Wallpaper glue to the base, to place the transparent part on top, then with the help of small screws to fasten the profile. At the end parties to attach the handles.

Patchwork on the wall of wall residues

Main materials:

    • Several small residues of vinyl wallpapers in one color range, but with different patterns, dimensions of at least 50x50cm (for the panel of 1 meter height);
    • Rolled base (for example, a plug), the width is similar to the height of the future panel;
    • Wall moldings.

Cut the wallpaper on the same squares and glue to the base. The reason to strengthen on the wall using double-sided adhesion (for linoleum) or durable glue on the solvent. From above with the help of small carnations, fasten moldings to hide the joints with another wall coating.

Wallpapers can be used as an unconventional way. You can cut from them Applique. The convenient option for the walls in the children's (appliqué can easily be masked by the "rocky drawings" of the child) or in the kitchen, the walls of which suffer from greasy spots. Appliques are easy to glue .

Art objects and practical little things: From very small pieces of wallpapers, you can also get original things. For example, decorate frames for photos and boards for entries, make covers for books and new decor boxes for trifles. And from particularly spectacular motifs, very decent "paintings" are obtained.

Stylish lampshane

Estate the wallpaper segment on a flat surface with the invalid side up, put the lamp shade and, rolling it on the wallpaper, circle its contour with a pencil. Clean the resulting pattern and glue to the base of the lamp by the lamp melting.

Unusual hours

Remove the glass and arrows from the old hours. Then put the clock on the wallpaper and circle the dial. Clear the circle and with the help of universal glue, stick a new dial over the old one. Insert the arrows and glass.

In traditions of classics By adding polyurethane eaves to the wallpaper remnants:

Neat storage: decor boxes

To make protective litters, measure the bottom of the boxes and cut the rectangles from wallpaper. Then attach the cuts of the wallpaper to the bottom of the boxes using bilateral tape. So they will not move and reverse when you enjoy the contents of the box.

And you can also draw attention to the shelves, Placing them on a background of floral wallpaper:

Frames on the wall of residue Wallpaper . If you push the frames or make pictures from them, we get a wonderful interior decoration.

So, here are some excellent ideas on the use of wall remnants. And in order to realize these ideas with your own hands, remember - your friends are the selection of color and drawing and accuracy, your enemies - the distrut and hurry.

I hope you find suitable ideas for yourself!

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