How to get rid of flies at the cottage: Australian Mukholovka do it yourself


The drawings of this trap took the colonializers from Europe from the old books - the colonialists from Europe, as well as modern residents suffered from Muh, so they were forced to find an effective solution. We are talking about a dry trap, hitting which flies die from dehydration.

How to get rid of flies in the country: Australian Mukholovka do-it-yourself trap, fly, flies, do it yourself, do it yourself

Next, by the author's words:

I made it with my own hands from boards and grid in just a few hours, and after 10 months of operation I can say that this is the most high-tech solution without the use of chemistry. At the end of the article, I will put a visual result of her work - I am sure you will be surprised.

Externally, the trap resembles a small table of wood. The trap design must necessarily be transparent for sunlight, so its walls and lid are made of a grid with small cells.

How to get rid of flies in the country: Australian Mukholovka do-it-yourself trap, fly, flies, do it yourself, do it yourself

The main secret of the design is a pyramidal bottom. Flies always take off up to light, so the bottom of the trap is made in the form of a pyramid.

The transparent mesh "deceives" a fly, how ridiculously did not sound:

How to get rid of flies in the country: Australian Mukholovka do-it-yourself trap, fly, flies, do it yourself, do it yourself

The trap is stacked the bait, flies flying onto her smell and, taking off, forced to use for flight only a small hole in the top of the pyramid, falling inside the traps.

I will not resist not to harm about its effectiveness - see Foto below. Guess how much time did it happen? The answer, as promised at the end of the article.

How to get rid of flies in the country: Australian Mukholovka do-it-yourself trap, fly, flies, do it yourself, do it yourself

As you can already clearly make sure, the mukholovka design is pretty simple, and it can be collected from the remedies: the remains of the lining or bar, the boards from the unnecessary fence, the old torere or even the bedside tables.

Assembling the housing of the Mukholovka

Assembly of the housing of the flies trap, fly, flies, do it yourself, do it yourself

Important! I approached work creatively, and decided to make a trap for flies so that she impress professional.

For this:

- at first developed design on a computer;

- As a material, I decided to use Australian red cedar;

- Walls will be made of stainless grid.

- The basic pyramid will also be made from this grid.

How to get rid of flies in the country: Australian Mukholovka do-it-yourself trap, fly, flies, do it yourself, do it yourself

Note! Red cedar has a sad well-known and bloody story and is now known as red gold. In a century, the red cedar tree was almost completely destroyed by the colonizers, and it is not difficult to understand why.

Making frame

The first thing to do is find out what size of your frame can be with your wood. In my case, this is a 40x40 mm timber.

How to get rid of flies in the country: Australian Mukholovka do-it-yourself trap, fly, flies, do it yourself, do it yourself

With the help of grinding, we bring wood into normal condition and proceed to the manufacture of grooves for setting the grid.

How to get rid of flies in the country: Australian Mukholovka do-it-yourself trap, fly, flies, do it yourself, do it yourself

Note! The grid can be screwed to the frame with self-draws, but I repeat, I wanted to make a high quality flour, so I approach the process professionally.

How to get rid of flies in the country: Australian Mukholovka do-it-yourself trap, fly, flies, do it yourself, do it yourself

- I set the depth of the saw by 12 mm, clamping the bar and make the first propyl. Then I repeat the same operation on another face of the bar in such a way that they are at an angle of 90 degrees.

- Remember our task again - make a professional model. Therefore, we are equipped with a plane and shoot at the corners of the chamfer to give the legs a more noble view.

- Then I treat wood wax to, first, give a more rich color, and secondly, protect it from moisture.

Assembling frame and lid

You can see the entire assembly process in the pictures by clicking on the reference to the site-source, which I will point out at the end of the article.

How to get rid of flies in the country: Australian Mukholovka do-it-yourself trap, fly, flies, do it yourself, do it yourself

Creating a pyramid

Creating a pyramid trap, fly, mukholovka, do it yourself, do it yourself

I proceed to creating the most important part of the mukholovka - the pyramidal bottom. This process should pay maximum attention.

When the grid was cut and bent, turn the body of a wooden flue and screw the first element of the pyramid grid. I repeat the same actions with three other slices of the grid in such a way that the top of the pyramid is inside the trap housing.

How to get rid of flies in the country: Australian Mukholovka do-it-yourself trap, fly, flies, do it yourself, do it yourself

Later, as soon as everything dries, cut out the top of this pyramid to create a larger hole.

This is an important part of the work affecting efficiency:

- too small hole - and flies will not enter;

- Too big - and they will run away.

Note! I cut the peak of the pyramid to 25 mm.

Installing side screens

If you are all done correctly, the grid installation in the grocers will not cause difficulties.

How to get rid of flies in the country: Australian Mukholovka do-it-yourself trap, fly, flies, do it yourself, do it yourself

Installation of loops and latches

Installation of loops and latches Trap, fly, flies, do it yourself, do it yourself

I bought copper loops and hook-latch. Then drilled holes for screws in wood and screwed the loops to the body and the lid.

Promised Trash

The promised trash trap, fly, flies, do it yourself, do it yourself

As promised at the beginning of his narration, I will tell you and even see how the Australian Mukholovka works.

I install it on the lawn

How to get rid of flies in the country: Australian Mukholovka do-it-yourself trap, fly, flies, do it yourself, do it yourself

Tip! The baits can be done by itself, but you can buy in household goods stores. I do not specifically point out the names, because local producers produce them for your location. We have several such people in Australia.

Well, finally, the results of the work for the week - all seven days of the flomb stood on the lawn at the arbors and the flies did not interfere at all.

It's time to evaluate the effectiveness, and for this I opened the lid.

How to get rid of flies in the country: Australian Mukholovka do-it-yourself trap, fly, flies, do it yourself, do it yourself

The dead flies were just a huge amount. I even wanted to evaluate the result with mathematical accuracy and for this I spent some measurements:

- To begin with, they retracted them into empty plastic containers;

- Then weighed on electronic scales. The result is 2.3 kg !!!

How to get rid of flies in the country: Australian Mukholovka do-it-yourself trap, fly, flies, do it yourself, do it yourself

Two with a slight kilogram for the week, and flies died from dehydration, and their weight is significantly reduced.

By unacceptable counts and intermediate weighing, it calculated that in just a week my mukholovka caught 1800 flies !!! You can imagine how everyone would spoil her rest if it were not for a mukholovka.

a source

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