And I do it! Small tricks and tips experienced


And I do it! Small tricks and tips experienced

When searching for mushrooms, it is especially formed, it is useful to pay attention to the tops of the trees. If they are dry, it means that mushrooms are possible near the trees.

It is said that the turntable-vane, delivered between the beds, eliminates the garden from the mole.

And I do it! Small tricks and tips experienced

In the audio cassette case, it is convenient to store suitable drills and taps suitable. They are inserted into a wooden bump embedded in a lid pocket. At the station you can write the dimensions of drills or taps.

Stronging small nails, use the holder with a rod from the ballpoint handle. Close the end of the rod and insert nails into the cut.

Unsuitable CDs raised on the ropes in the garden or in the garden will range from the slightest breeze and give bright reflections, scaring birds even on a cloudy day.

The inside of the furnace furnace and the fireplace will not give up fire, if it is covered with liquid glass (silicate stationery glue). Make a coating immediately after masonry, before the solution is dry.

Mix the fine dry sand with any paint or olifa, and it turns out a putty for embedding different slots, for example in logs or between plinth and floor.

And I do it! Small tricks and tips experienced
A bucket that gets water from the well, usually does not want to quickly sink and several moments swim on the surface of the water. Enclosing the wire to the upper edge of the bucket, breaking the hole in the wall of the nail somewhere between the ears, a small weight weighing 150-200 grams - and the problem Solved.

In order to maintain ripening cherries from sprinkling birds, attach several plastic bags of thin polyethylene with hole-cut-cuttings to the branches of the tree. With the slightest cut of the wind, the bags are inflated and scattered birds.

The cardboard box can be applied to grow seedlings if plastic film is placed in it.

And I do it! Small tricks and tips experienced

In sharply smashed to the denial of the gate, the loops are gradually loosened, and the pillars themselves. Remember the limiter, which is available from almost every door in your apartment, and in the sides of the gate of old auto strokes - they will serve as shock absorbing limiters.

So that the rainwater does not absorb in the fence posts through the upper cut, speeding up their rotting, put on the ends of the pillars of polymer bottles from under non-alcoholic beverages, cutting off the upper half.

So that small screws from your points did not fall out, drip on their heads with nail polish, paint or glue.

The vessel, similar to the inkwell-unbearable - in the "body" of a large plastic bottle inserted inverted upper part, is suitable for collecting colorado beetles and larvae. They will not be able to get out of "unbearable". Catch in such a way and fruit butterflies: a little kvass poured into the vessel and hang bait in an apple tree crowns. Convenient "unbearable" to collect berries - they do not fall out if the vessel fell.

And I do it! Small tricks and tips experienced

So that the trace of the fold from the rope does not remain on drying underwear, put plastic tubes on it. Rotating, they will help faster hanging down and take lingerie

And I do it! Small tricks and tips experienced

Two polyethylene strips, laid cross-grazing at the bottom of the cup with a soil for seedlings, help remove the plant without damage to the root.

And I do it! Small tricks and tips experienced

If you have an old volleyball net, do not throw it away. Having arrange a large greenhouse, pull the grid on its core, cover the film, too, tighten the grid and hang out the right cargo below. Other fixtures will not need even with strong wind. The grid can be associated with the spat, fishing fishing line, thin wire

And I do it! Small tricks and tips experienced

How to quickly shift a hundred plastic pots for seedlings?

If you take 4-5 pots, then the time of their samples will decrease in 4-5 times ...

And I do it! Small tricks and tips experienced

But I have a mini-greenhouse for seedlings of plastic cups:

Tubes for juice are needed that the upper transparent cup does not fall

And I do it! Small tricks and tips experienced

I spent one winter evening under watching a movie or another political show - and has been provided for the fourth year such disadvantages for seedlings)

Plastic garbage - pieces of film, unsustent packages - can be applied to the insulation of basement, vegetable store, putting plastic into plastic or plastic bags. Such insulating blocks will serve without fear of damp, several years.

In order not to break the roof of the furnace pipe, glue the joints of burlap strips with a width of 100-200 mm, clumsy in cement milk (dissolve the grade 400-500 cement in water to the consistency of the liquid sour cream). The same milk in advance to dear places for the roof strips and the pipe. When cement hardens, paint the strip with oil paint or primer. For metal pipe instead of burlap, asbestos canvas fit.

If you need to accurately place and make a lot of holes, use the millimeter that lubricate with thick water-soluble glue from the opposite side (PVC or PVC), slightly dry and attach to the desired surface. After you get the holes, put the porolon, soaked in water, per millimeter, and it is easy to remove.

Large plastic bottles can be used as a case for living colors to deliver them unharmed to the cold. Portable "Heatinghouse" is obtained from two bottles connected by adhesive tape. Flowers before putting into the case, wrap in paper.

And I do it! Small tricks and tips experienced

If you need to cut off a small tiles, in 3-8 mm, the edge, soak the tiles per day in the water and instead of the cutter, use the pliers, laundering the small pieces. By a shroud edge, you will walk with a rasp or a large skirt to remove the irregularities.

And I do it! Small tricks and tips experienced

If an aluminum fanior fanny from Validol was lit in your home aid kit, cutting off his bottom, you can quickly connect the garden hose. Insert the tube in both end of the hose and take it for watering.

Move alone long boards using a household bag on wheels using this vehicle, as shown in the figure

And I do it! Small tricks and tips experienced

Wooden and metal poles for gardening fences will last longer, if you wear a large plastic bottle with a cut throat and dip in a boiling water bucket. Plastic, softening, will create a reliable hermetic screwdriver.

And I do it! Small tricks and tips experienced

So that the slate roofing is securely held by, drive asbetic sheets with nails with rubber washers, covered with bottle covers

Do not pour out the exhaust car where it fell, but use it on the country area for the impregnation of wood so that it becomes durable. Apply oil to a conventional brush or dip wooden items in some container with oil

And I do it! Small tricks and tips experienced

Feeding water for watering from a pond or river, put on the end of the hose to protect it from clogging, a large plastic bottle of penetrated in the sides of the holes

On vacation or overnight stay on hiking conditions Toothbrushes, combs and other toiletries will always be at hand, if you put them in suspended cases of cropped plastic bottles

And I do it! Small tricks and tips experienced

If in the summer in the country house it is hot, it is possible to reduce the temperature, checking the attic. An even greater effect gives the installation of a fan in an attic window

The fishing network can become an excellent support for curly plants, both decorative, such as ivy and garden - pea, beans.

And I do it! Small tricks and tips experienced

The tile can be cut in conventional glass cutter if you make a simple conductor for this.

Existing measuring mugs usually have volume to liter. If you have to measure large volumes of liquids, graduate an empty plastic bottle from carbonated water, placing a strip of millimeters or applying ink (marker) injecting ink.

Safety from the rain droplets for a switch mounted under the open-air switch or a ring button can be made from the bottom of the plastic bottle.

And I do it! Small tricks and tips experienced

Mini-greenhouse for seedlings of zucchini, tomatoes and other vegetables. I cut off at the bottom of the bottle, cover it with seedlings. Stepping and screwing the plug, adjust the temperature inside the greenhouse. Just fasten the mini-greenhouse with three chopsticks, stuck in the bed, so that this structure does not take wind.

And I do it! Small tricks and tips experienced

Cracked next to the tomato bush bottle with holes in the bottom will provide an automatic uniform watering. The stock of water, depending on the volume of the vessel and the size of the holes, is enough for one or two days.

And I do it! Small tricks and tips experienced

From the girlfriend, probably available at any dacha: an empty plastic bottle and a long stick - it is easy to make an improvised fruit. Cut the bottom of the bottle, the cut slicing line should be a toothed to sort the apple or pear cuttings.

Having arrange a concrete break around the country house, do not forget to make temperature seams 0.5-1 centimeter wide every 0.5-0.6 meters. For the device, we laid a wooden rail to a concrete, impregnated with used machine oil. Then the cement-concrete mixture will not happen due to seasonal change of temperature.

And I do it! Small tricks and tips experienced

If insect insects started on the indoor plant, put the plant for an hour in a plastic bag filled with cigarette smoke. Cigarette clearing can be entrusted with aquarium microcompressor

And I do it! Small tricks and tips experienced

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