What can be made of old curtains


Pictures on request what can be made of old curtains
Modern interior design is constantly changing. It would seem, yesterday repairs in the house was fashionable, and today it was already a remnant.

The same applies to the curtains. But not to throw them out due to the fact that they came out of fashion or a little burned in the sun! If with a fantasy to approach this issue, then exclusive elements of the decor can be made from the old curtains, which will be the highlight of any interior.

What can be made of old curtains

We define with the idea

Before you begin to do something, it is very helpful to understand what you want to get in the end. It will send a fantasy into the right direction, because some fabrics can be ironed, others - no, alone - you need to be used, others - it is enough to fall on fire. And select threads, needles and accessories are better under a certain type of fabric.

For the manufacture of curtains, the following materials are most often used:

  • Brocade,
  • Velvet,
  • Plush,
  • Synthetics,
  • Linen.

how to remake old curtains

Important ! Curtains are rarely made of cotton fabrics. Well, except that in the kitchen you can see light cotton curtains, but it makes no sense to change them. By the time you decide to replace them, they will have time to deform or break. Sometimes jersey is used as a material for curtains, but this material does not hold the form.


Parching Curtains in the Room

This luxurious heavy fabric, which is most often sewing curtains for the living room. It will work this material for a very long time, even in the modern house, brick curtains can be hung for several decades. In the previous times, parywear and household items were transmitted from generation to generation.

Important! For the production of this fabric, very resistant dyes are used, so it practically does not fade.

What can be made of old curtains, if they are made of brocade? There are many ideas:

  • new curtains;
  • bag;
  • scarf;
  • shawl;
  • bedspread;
  • furniture covers;
  • decorative pillowcases;
  • jewelry;
  • elements of carnival costumes;
  • Skirt.

Velvet and plush

velvet curtains in the room

These fabric are largely similar. Plush is a velvet, only with a high pile. Dense materials made of silk or artificial fibers, with due carefully retain the color for a long time, but they often have scuffs on their surface. For curtains, however, it is less characteristic than for clothes, covered or covers for furniture.

Like a brocade, velvet can be used for manufacture:

  • new curtains;
  • all sorts of covers and capeats;
  • belts;
  • Hair decorations.

Important! Your little son will definitely be happy to put on the carnival a real knight velvet raincoat, and the daughter will truly love the royal dress from this material.


Linen curtains on the windows

Beautiful material, its main advantages are that he:

  • easily processed;
  • hygienic;
  • Easily repainted;

Flax can be sewed not only new curtains. The scarf and the bag of flax is perfect for the warm months of the year, they will delight you with their simplicity and environmental friendliness.

But I can also make a lot of useful things for the home:

  • tablecloth;
  • towel;
  • kitchen towel;
  • Diapers and sheets.

Important! For children's diapers, a worn linen fabric is just perfect - it is very soft and, like any natural material, does not harm health.


Synthetic curtains on windows

The main advantage of the synthetic fiber is its strength. In addition, the synthetics practically does not fade, it does not matter and is rarely deformed. But she also has drawbacks:

  1. Many synthetic tissues (except the most modern) do not let the air and do not absorb moisture;
  2. They lightly light up, and therefore are no harmonious.

What can be made of old curtains from synthetic material?

converted curtains on the windows

It is better not worth sewing clothes from old synthetic curtains.

But for all types of bags, lampshades, jewelry, framing for flower pots, this material is just wonderful.

Beads, bracelets, belts, hair ribbons - a very worthy second life for synthetic fabric.

Important! The fabric is ideal for the manufacture of all types of covers and covered. It almost does not wear out, does not lose color, so the manufacture of a cover on a favorite chair is perhaps the best thing you can do.


Tyule Curtain Organza

Tulle is an openwork fabric, which is now most often manufactured from synthetic fibers. Material, to the greatest displeasure of the owners, has the property to yellow or serving. This, of course, is solved. But tusle curtains that have lost their color, as a rule, change new ones. From the old one you can sew something beautiful and interesting before bleaching them.

From Tulle easy to do:

  • decorations for flower pots;
  • rags;
  • decorations for frames for photos or drawings;
  • jewelry for baskets;
  • Decorative pillowcases.

New curtains from old curtains

remake old curtains under new

So, you decided to update the curtains. This can be done in several ways:

  • Make double-sided curtains:
  • add contrast elements;
  • add volumetric elements;
  • make the edge;
  • make a picture on the fabric;
  • change shape;
  • Add photo printing.

Bilateral curtains

Before updating the old curtains, think - can you make double curtains from what you have? They will become tight and will look different. One layer can be made of tulle, the second - from the dense material of the contrasting color.

Bilateral curtains in the interior

Important! T. It is also possible to update linen curtains, and curtains stitched from fine synthetics. But with velvet or brocade, experimenting in this way is not worth it - the material will be too heavy, not every cornice will withstand it.

You will need:

  • New fabric equal to the size of the existing curtains;
  • tape for decoration;
  • tape for curtains;
  • Threads for fabric color;
  • Sewing fittings.

Important! Since the curtains will be rather thick, the curtain ribbon is better to take the most ordinary, making small chances. In principle, such a braid allows you to update the curtains, without making anything else - if the material itself is soft enough, you can buy a curtain ribbon, which will give you the opportunity to get a cylindrical fold, which in itself is very beautiful.

You need to cut the second layer of the already existing curtain-base pattern and strictly according to the following principle:

  1. Unpack and spread a new fabric.
  2. From above, distribute the existing calf so that the edges of both parts coincide.
  3. If one of the tissues slippery, fix the edges of the tailor pins. Cut a new fabric according to another layer.
  4. Fold fragments to face, cover them with pins.
  5. Eat fabrics around the perimeter, leaving the unaccustomer from above.
  6. Boost and sew decorative tape from three sides.
  7. Align your creation if the material allows you to attach it to the eternity.

What can be made of old curtains

Curtains in the kitchen in the style of Patchwork

What can be made of old curtains

From the old curtains you can make curtains in the kitchen in the style of Patchwork

The easiest way to remake the old curtains is to sew bright curtains for the kitchen in the style of Patchwork. The curtains collected from small pieces of contrasting colors will be a highlight of any kitchen. In order for such curtains to serve for a very long time, it is best to choose linen or cotton fabric. And so that the curtains are not polished and did not sit after the first washing, before the start of sewing the fabric you need to wash it well and smooth the steamer. After such a procedure, the curtains in the kitchen will last for a long time. In addition, such curtains are unpretentious in care and easy will withstand a large amount of washes, which, in the case of the kitchen, is very important.

Decorative flowers

What can be made of old curtains

From old curtains easy to make decorative flowers

If old curtains or silk curtains or silk fell in the closet, do not throw them out. From this fabric you can make excellent decorative flowers or any other elements that can be used as a decor for curtains or pillows. To do this, you need to use the equipment of the Kazan, where from square pieces of old curtains you can make flowers of amazing beauty.

Decorative pillows

What can be made of old curtains

Decorative pillows - Great idea for alteration of old curtains

Also from old curtains you can sew decorative pillows in the living room. For this, it is not necessary to have special knowledge - it is enough to have elementary work skills with a sewing machine. Especially spectacularly such pillows looks, if they are sewn from the same fabric as the curtains in the room. An important nuance: by stitching a pillow, cotton must be shot down in the opposite end so that it does not interfere, and then - evenly distribute it throughout the pillow.


What can be made of old curtains

From curtains easy to make a wonderful lampshade

From heavy brocade or silk, you can make a beautiful lamp lamp for an old lamp. For this, it is not necessary to fully change the frame of the lamp. On the already existing foundation, you can simply pull the smooth piece of fabric. It is very important that the lamp does not touch the matter, otherwise a yellow spot or burnt hole may appear at the point of contact.

Stuffed Toys

What can be made of old curtains

Soft toys from curtains - Great idea for the whole family

From the old unnecessary fabric you can do anything. And soft toys - including. This is a great idea in order to interest the child, spend a few hours of time with him and teach something new. Of course, such toys will give up the quality of the new, but the child will have a new bunny, cat or a bear, made with their own hands.

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