12 useful ways of applying coffee grounds


Pictures on request use coffee cake

Everyone knows that coffee - This is an excellent remedy for morning awakening.

However, if you think this drink is good only, you are mistaken.

Take a look at the following attached list of tips on the use of coffee grounds, and you will see how multifunctionally an ordinary coffee residue can be, which we usually throw out into the trash can.

On the coffee grounds you can not only give the future.

How to use coffee thick

1. Fighting pests


Coffee thickness can be excellent Assistant when dealing with pests On your garden and in the garden.

Lower the used ground coffee around the plants to protect them from destructive pests such as ants, snails and slugs.

And if it is mixed with an orange zest, then this mixture is capable of keeping small mammals at the distance - cats and dogs.

If a mixture of coffee with an orange zest does not work, try mixing it with rosemary.

Cake like fertilizer

2. Use as a fertilizer for your garden


If you grow azaleas, hydrangea, rhododendrons, camellia, roses or other plants, loving acid environment, then Coffee Ground Fertilizer - that's what you need.

Mix coffee grip with beveled grass, fallen brown leaves or dry straw to neutralize excess acidity.

Then The resulting mixture Spread around plants.

Used coffee thickness enriches soil with nitrogen and potassium, and also increases the content of magnesium, which is necessary for all plants to remain healthy.

However, it is worth remembering that there is not enough phosphorus and calcium in the coffee grounds, therefore such fertilizer is not quite suitable for the plant bloom and fruit.

In order to create a full-fledged mineral fertilizer, add lime or wood resin to the coffee thickness.

Application of coffee cake

3. as a compost fertilizer


If you do not use coffee, like primary fertilizer, you can reset it into a compost hole for further use.

Coffee thickness contributes excellent "Green" humus Since she is rich in nitrogen.

In addition, useful worms can be attracted to the compost with the addition of old coffee. Just make sure that the compost obtained will be balanced in a proportional ratio.

Excessive amount Added coffee grounds can lead to the fact that fertilizer from "Green" will become "brown".

4. Caffeine for carrots


Before saving the seeds of carrots, mix them with a small amount of dried coffee grounds to charge energy seedlings from the very beginning.

Thanks to this fertilizer, you will get a better product in more. In addition, fertilizer in the form of a coffee grounds will scare the pests that create a real threat to your future harvest.

5. Like the smell absorber


Coffee thickness can be used in the same way as the food soda To absorb odors of food in the refrigerator and freezer.

Just place a small open container with a coffee cake closer to the rear wall of the refrigerator and leave for a couple of weeks. Coffee has the ability to absorb unpleasant odors from food.

During this time you can assemble additional coffee cake. Old cake throw out or use as a fertilizer for your garden, and the newly collected place in the container at the same place.

6. As a natural emery material


Coffee cake can be used as Cleaning agent for various surfaces To clean the remnants of dried food on kitchen furniture.

Used coffee thickness is a good abrasive material. At the same time, it is not so tough to scratch the surface.

If you use coffee cake in order to escape the kitchen surface, make sure that the granules do not fall into cracks, as in this case they can leave behind the spots.

7. Gold Color Dye


Each of us, at least once in life, shed coffee into the shirt and knows how the "coffee-golden" hue can be.

But this property of coffee can be used in their own interests.

Coffee cake will become excellent and completely harmless dye for both fabrics and Easter eggs.

And thanks to coffee granules, impregnated with a small amount of water, you can turn Ordinary white paper in Antique Parchment.

To do this, simply lower the paper in the coffee cake pre-diluted with warm water. The paper is painted in a yellowish tint.

This artificially obtained parchment can be used for various purposes, including for an interesting and original supplement to the gift.

8. Fireplace cleaning agent


Of course, the coffee thickness will not make all the work for you. Nevertheless, it will facilitate the process of cleaning the fireplace, will make work easier, and it will become less time.

Gently scatter wet coffee granules on top of the ashes, thereby preventing the formation of huge dust clouds, which often occur when performing this difficult task.

Then neatly with the help of a blade or other girlfriend tool swing ash and ash. Thus, in the process of cleaning the fireplace, the burnt ash will not rise up, and the dirt will be significantly less.

Coffee body scrub

9. Leather exfoliation


Remains of coffee are Excellent body scrub . Just add a small amount of warm water and your favorite oil to the cake (for example, coconut oil is perfect for these purposes).

Only 5 minutes, a pair of ingredients - and you have an excellent body scrub. Use such a product in the literal sense of the word, from head to the legs to remove dead skin cells.

Coffee scrub

10. Face scrub


By the same principle, coffee cake works as Scrub for face.

Mix two tablespoons of coffee grounds with an equal number of cocoa organic powder. Add three tablespoons of solid milk or thick cream and, to top, diliate a mixture of a tablespoon of honey.

The perfect scrub for a person containing useful minerals and natural antioxidants is ready.

11. Hair Coffee


If you are often used intensively using hair styling, or you recently moved to natural shampoo and air conditioning without silicones, hair probably need lifting.

The used coffee thickness will give hair an extra volume and help restore a natural and healthy shine.

Before rinsed with shampoo hair, just capture strand from the roots and rub the coffee with smooth massaging movements.

The coffee texture is tough enough to remove dead cells at the roots of the hair, but at the same time pretty soft in order not to damage healthy hair bulbs.

Cellulite scrub with coffee

12. Cellulite medicine


We all know what the main causes of cellulite. The so-called orange crust occurs due to improper nutrition, lack of physical exertion, smoking or genetic predisposition.

There is at least a dozen of various ways, thanks to which you can "To cure" from cellulite . Most of the recipes, however, are very dubious.

But here is one that, indeed, works - this is used ground coffee.

Just mix the coffee cake with a small amount of warm water and slowly rub the mixture into problem spaces for 10 minutes. Repeat such a procedure 2-3 times a week, and the result will not wait long for a long time.

After a month of regular use of coffee cake, you will see how the problem areas of the body will be transformed, the skin will become smoother and elastic, and cellulite will gradually leave.


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