For the most leaning: unusual ideas of using old things in the interior


Unusual ideas of using old things in the interior: for the most leaning

Unusual ideas of using old things in the interior: for the most leaning

A penny ruble coats. This truth is old as the world, exactly as the idea of ​​the secondary use of raw materials. Estimation of centuries people tried to give the second chance used things. Especially in this issue succeeded designers. They have more fantasies, and opportunities. The most interesting ideas of the secondary use of things in our review.

Old jumper in the role of aboire

Old jumper in the role of aboire

Old jumper can become an excellent lampshade.

Pens for doors from spoons

Pens for doors from spoons

And the thickness of the old-age spoons - handles for doors. Only you have to pre-bend them, achieving the desired form. But the result is worth their efforts.

Cup legs

Cup legs

You can decorate the floor of the lamp with old cups with saucers.

chair covered with rope

chair covered with rope

Or cover the stool with a thick rope.

Candlestick made of bottles

Candlestick made of bottles

It is not worth throwing corks from bottles after parties. Of these, remarkable candlesticks can get.

Bookmark for books from pumps

Bookmark for books from pumps

Pompons will become excellent bookmarks for books. The main thing is not to trim the edge of the rope from the product.

Gift package with your own hands

Gift package with your own hands

Gift package is inexpensive. But why spend, if you can make it yourself?

Skateboard as a swing

Skateboard as a swing

Skateboard as a swing? Why not.

Unusual lighting device

Unusual lighting device

Colored plastic cups in a pair with garland can become an unusual lighting.

Wall panels from color pencils

Wall panels from color pencils

You can make a wall with colored pencils. Rather, the whole bunch of colored pencils collected together.

Soap from womb

Soap from womb

Do not throw out the kneadings. They can be collected and welded a new piece of soap, bay the mixture in a figured mold.

Abazhur of Ping Pong Balls

Abazhur of Ping Pong Balls

Ping-pong balls are miraculously transformed into lampshade.

Lego key

Lego key

And the set of "Lego" into the keystone.

Shashore from wati

Shashore from wati

By the way, the lampshade can be made not only from ball ping balls or old sweaters, but also from cotton. Also look pretty good.

Aromatic sachet from orange crust

Aromatic sachet from orange crust

Aromatic sachet with their own hands.

Copper Vase do it yourself

Copper Vase do it yourself

Copper vase. Quite impractical, but at the same time unusual.

Dry branches

Dry branches

Sign in impracticity with a vase can except a picture of dry branches. But beautiful how!

Fan from skateboard

Fan from skateboard

Old skateboard as a fan.

Candle in peel from under orange

Candle in peel from under orange

Homemade candle in the peel from under orange.

Raming for a mirror of a tennis racket

Raming for a mirror of a tennis racket

Old tennis racket can become a wonderful rim for the mirror.

how to make an egg in the shape of a heart

how to make an egg in the shape of a heart

All in love with couples: manual how to turn the usual egg in the edible heart. True, there will be no feelings in such a dish. Only cholesterol.

Stand for pencils

Stand for pencils

Another benefit. This time about how to make a pencil stand.

Fixator for beer

Fixator for beer

Who does not like beer? Beer love everything. Especially cold. But how to be when friends came to visit, and there are few places in the refrigerator? A simple paper clamp will serve as a fixer for bottles, and will not let meer fall.

Vase for flowers from light bulb

Vase for flowers from light bulb

A source

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