How to make flowers from marmalade


Marmalade is very tasty sweetness they can be seduced by anyone. And the main marmalade is low-calorie sweetness, so you can enjoy and not worry about your figure.

It is also believed that Marmalade relieves stress and is a good antidepressant. All these qualities are suitable for us dear of my women, because we can afford to eat sweetness, staying in perfect form. I want to share with you my art, create beautiful flowers. Today I propose to make roses from Marmalade, it is not only tasty, but also beautiful.

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I wash the knife, cut by thin plates, and twist the rose on the petal

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If the petals make more similar shapes, then the rose will succeed like a living

How to make roses from marmalade - recipe with step-by-step photo

For this we need:

How to make flowers from marmalade

  • round marmalade;
  • knife;
  • Single.

The process of making roses:

We cut marmalade on thin mugs, so much that he would not break.

How to make flowers from marmalade

We take the smallest mug of marmalade and twist it into the tube, it will be the middle of the rose.

How to make flowers from marmalade

We continue twisting in the circle of rose petals. Fold yellow rose.

How to make flowers from marmalade

How to make flowers from marmalade

In the same way we fold a red rose.

How to make flowers from marmalade

How to make flowers from marmalade

How to make flowers from marmalade

Now I propose a little to dream and fold roses from two colors: yellow and red.

How to make flowers from marmalade

In this way, we make all roses.

Now we proceed to the leaves. We take mug of marmalade and cut out from above, the corner so that it looks like a leaf.

How to make flowers from marmalade

How to make flowers from marmalade

How to make flowers from marmalade

We make the next petal with the tooth, with the help of a knife carefully cut the cloves.

How to make flowers from marmalade

How to make flowers from marmalade

Here we have such blanks.

How to make flowers from marmalade

We fold the marmeladic product from roses into the composition as a heart.

How to make flowers from marmalade

This is what heart from the marmalade roses we succeed. Such an ornament from marmalade can be decorate any pastry baking.

Roses from Marmalade.

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But such a flower is already from the finished marmalade, with the help of toothpicks, it looks like a little on a snowflake

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In order to make flowers from marmalade It is necessary to prepare the marmalade of the desired color, you can also take a varicolored, you will also need a wooden long skeletal, then we collect the flower at such a scheme:

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It is clear that polyethylene is used to fix the flower, now we add green corrugated paper for stem and leaves to such a flower. You can make more such colors, which then need to be collected into an unusual bouquet.

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If the purchased marmalade does not suit, then you can cook it at home, then let the mass on the counter or tray, and then cut flowers from the frozen marmalade, which then use to decorate.

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how to make flowers from marmalade

We are accustomed to marmalade in the form of candies or funny molds (animals, worms). And what if you do from marmalade Flowers ? Today you can often see bouquets of sweets or toys. Let's be original and make a dessert bouquet of marmalade colors.

To create roses you will need:

  • granulated sugar
  • Red and green marmalade (home or purchased)
  • Wooden spanks
  • Knife and rod for dough

How to make roses from marmalade with step-by-step photo


1. Take sugar and pour it on the table. He performs the role of flour. Cut a small piece of marmalade and roll it in the form of an oblong oval. Observe the resulting reservoir in the Sahara.

2. Take the oval and turn it on the skewer. We will have a middle of a flower.

3. Roll another oval and cut the rose petals as shown in the photo. Attach the petals to our flower.

4. After the flower reaches the desired size, give the petals curved shape.

5. Roll the green marmalade in a small layer, cut off the cups and attach to the rose.

Flower ready!

Roses from marmalade for cake - photo recipe and secrets

1. In order to get a good flower, it is necessary to use elastic, soft marmalade. It is better to take a purchased delicacy.

2. In order to build the petals just add them to each other at the base of the rose. If marmalade is elastic, you will not have problems.

3. Roses can be rolled on the ships, and you can decorate with them cake. To do this, it is enough to blind petals between each other without using the speakers, and decorate the flower cake.

4. Do not be afraid to experiment. Can be used Marmalades Different colors, sculpt different flowers from it. It can be existing, and fiction, fantastic plants.

How to make flowers from marmalade

For a bouquet of gentle sweet marmalade daisies you will need:

  • Yellow and White Marmalade
  • Long wooden spats
  • Polyethylene
  • Green corrugated paper

1. Cut out the petals from the white marmalade for the future chamomile. From the yellow marmalade cut a small circle.

2. Take the flower and fix the skewer as indicated in the photo.

3. Wrap the flower with polyethylene. Make paper leaves and attach them to a skeleton.

4. Take several flowers, and you will get a beautiful and tasty bouquet.

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