Imitation of old unclean silver


Imitation of old unclean silver

With the help of this decoration technique, you can give relief surfaces the type of old silver, which has long been unclean and dying ...

This decoration technique was shown to me Olga Vorontsova-Shaginyan, the head of the "Decoupage School" and now I am pleased to use it in your work.

It is necessary to work: a relief surface, black acrylic soil, silver acrylic paint of the bright tone, bituminous wax, talc or powder, a bagent paste or wax for tinting a silver shade. As well as brushes, paper sheets, soft rags.

Imitation of old unclean silver

Imitation of old unclean silver

1. Ground black acrylic paint in 1 layer, if the surface is very porous - to primitive 2 layers. It is better to apply 2 thin layers than one thick. Thoroughly paint all irregularities and depressions, white should not be anywhere! Drying - 1 hour between layers.

Imitation of old unclean silver

2. We apply white silver, or any silver acrylic paint of light tones. Apply superficially, remove the excess with a napkin. Dry.

Imitation of old unclean silver

3. Rigid brush to apply bituminous wax with a very thin layer. Surplus remove the napkin

Imitation of old unclean silver

4. Purchase all the maintenance with a talc or powder.

5. Roll with hands and brush, tying with bitumen. When everything is well connected, the hands will easily slide on the surface. Featured paying all the recesses - if bitumen is smeared, add talc and rub further. If there was an overwhelming bitumen - silver will be yellow, therefore bitumen should be minimum.

Imitation of old unclean silver

6. Shake the remnants of the talc with flusted brush.

Imitation of old unclean silver

7. Speakers to work out by bagent pastes or patinating wax. You can use silver several shades to give the product more relief and volumetric type. Polish with a soft cloth.

Imitation of old unclean silver

Imitation of old unclean silver

Imitation of old unclean silver

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