12 ways to check jewelry that will help identify fake


12 ways to check jewelry that will help identify fake
About 30% of the fake jewelry sold in Russia. Fake them in different ways: they give silver products for white gold; put samples inappropriate reality; decorate non-secrecy stones. So how not to become a victim of deception?

Editorial There was a list of the most simple ways to help check if the jewelry is not a fake. With their help, you can check the jewels that you have at home, and some of them can be used even in the store.


Sample and stigma

12 ways to check jewelry that will help identify fake

The easiest way to check is, of course, look at the sample and stigma. Information on which stamp in what metal can be easily found in free access on the Internet, and then it remains only to compare this data with what is applied to the product. The numbers must be clear and easily read, otherwise it is better not to risk and refuse to buy such an ornament. To determine the sample, how much precious metal in the product, mentally put the comma after the second digit, and the number you have got the percentage of its content. For example, the 925th silver sample is 92.5% pure metal.

  • Gold samples - 375, 500, 583, 585, 750, 916, 958, 999

  • Sterling samples - 800, 830, 875, 925, 960, 999

  • Platinum samples - 850, 900, 950, 999


12 ways to check jewelry that will help identify fake

Cove the steel or other alloy with a high content of iron by gilding or its imitation - a common procedure in the manufacture of jewelry. The product with a high content of precious metal should not be magnetic. Therefore, when a hike in the jewelry store can be safely armed with a magnet.


12 ways to check jewelry that will help identify fake

Silver and platinum are very similar outward, so expensive metal can easily be replaced with cheap. Such a fake from silver will give itself a black shade and plasticity: the platinum does not possess such characteristics.

Gold on an unconditioned ceramic tile or china, which is not covered with icing, leaves gold traces, and traces from fakes will be gray or black. If you decide to check the product in this way, then make it an imperceptible place, such as a clasp.

Application of compositions

a piece of chalk

12 ways to check jewelry that will help identify fake

Another of the easiest ways is to check with chalk. Throw the silver decoration with ordinary chalk, and if it starts to darken, then you are present silver.


12 ways to check jewelry that will help identify fake

Gold can be checked with iodine. If a stain remains after the dough on the decoration, then this is a sign of a fake or alloy, which contains a large number of non-precious metals.

The design of the iodine will remain on the surface of the product from platinum, and the more saturated is its shade, the higher the sample of the decoration.


12 ways to check jewelry that will help identify fake

The fakes under gold are very quickly darked in vinegar, so to check the authenticity of the decoration, it is enough to pour a little liquid into the glass and hold the product in it about 5 minutes.

Sulfuric ointment

12 ways to check jewelry that will help identify fake

Silver can be checked with sulfur ointment. If the subject is from real silver, then on the place where you put an ointment, there will remain a dark blue spot. Later it can be easily cleaned.


12 ways to check jewelry that will help identify fake

When interacting with most metals, the ammonia alcohol causes the blackening of their surface. When interacting with platinum, this does not occur.



12 ways to check jewelry that will help identify fake

Natural stone should not foggle if you breathe on it, as it has high thermal conductivity.


12 ways to check jewelry that will help identify fake

To determine authenticity, it is necessary to consider the structure of the stone under the magnifying glass: in the present emerald there are no tubular or spiral patterns. Also, the real emerald does not spend warmly - it always remains cold to the touch.


12 ways to check jewelry that will help identify fake

Natural pearls are expensive, so it is not necessary to hope that the product will be present at a low price. To determine the authenticity of the pearl, it is enough to check it out "to the tooth." When trying to bite the pearl, you can feel that it creaks on the teeth like sand. Artificial pearls do not have such properties.


12 ways to check jewelry that will help identify fake

Lower amber into a glass with salted water (it will be enough for 3 hours. Salt). A glass or plastic product, as well as "amber" from epoxy resin, immediately drowns. And the real amber will pop up: its proportion is less than the weight of salt water.

You can also lose amber woolen cloth - it will "beat" the current and attract the threads and dust to him.

Do you know any other ways to check the decorations for authenticity?

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