Jute Foot Strike: Master Class


Jute's leg beam. Master Class.

Such a bench can be made from the old hard tobupere, without seating, drinking a thick rope


Frame chairs

Sanding-Stool (600x400, 98Kb)

Furniture Stapler, Fat Jute, Scissors

Materials-to-make-over-stool (600x400, 106Kb)

To begin with, grind the rope to the bottom of the chair:

Staple-Rope-to-Bottom-of-Stool (600x400, 92Kb)

Stool chair

Wrap-rope-around-top-of-stool (466x700, 176kb)

Wash the rope very tight

Stool-Makeover (600x400, 138Kb)

Stool-Step-1-Done (466x700, 197KB)

It's more difficult here ... With the help of a skewer to turn the rope and make a pattern

Threading-Rope (600x447, 195KB)

Threading-Rope-2 (600x400, 165Kb)

Rope-stool- (600x400, 152kb)

At this moment, turn the stool and start tightening and tie a white rope, so tight as you can.

Knots-On-Bottom (600x400, 155KB)

Cut the ends and put them in, and Tadaa !! Done!!

Finished-Stool-Closeup (600x400, 231Kb)

finished-stool (466x700, 256kb)

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