14 strange taste combinations that you would never have decided to try. And very in vain!


14 strange taste combinations that you would never have decided to try. And very in vain!
14 strange taste combinations that you would never have decided to try. And very in vain!
14 strange taste combinations that you would never have decided to try. And very in vain!

In the culinary world, even the most strange combinations of products find their connoisseurs: bananas with mayonnaise, melon with ham, chocolate with caviar and many others at first glance absolutely incomprehensible gastronomic tandems. After reading this article, you may also want to arrange a holiday with your taste receptors. We collected the most unexpected experiments with the tastes of food products, many of which were invented by the famous chefs of Heston Blumenthal (Herve this).

14 strange taste combinations that you would never have decided to try. And very in vain!

We have gathered the most unexpected experiments with flavors of food products, many of which were invented by the famous chefs by Heston Blumenthal (Heston Blumenthal) and Herva Tis (Herve This).

Banana with mayonnaise

Rotsenter Dale Ernhardt - Jr. (Dale Earnhardt Jr.) shared a recipe for a beloved sandwich: white bread, mayonnaise and banana, which caused a lot of disputes among his subscribers in social networks. But this dish received world fame in 2014, when the US national team coach stated that his team is obliged to successfully this traditional sandwiched in the south of the USA from which it starts his day.

White chocolate with caviar

The famous cook Heston Bluuma (Heston Blumenthal) created an interesting taste combination, thanks to which the salty taste of caviar softens the sweetness of white chocolate. You can create such a "sandwich" with both red and black caviar.

Pizza with Nutella

There are many variants of sweet pizza, but the main ingredient is a chocolate paste. In the US, you can order such pizza in restaurants.

Burger with jam

But the burger with a jam can be ordered at any restaurant of the world, and, it seems, visitors like this option more than traditional with ketchup.

Nutella with Potato Fries

Salt strengthens the taste, so if you pour the potatoes of Free Nutella, then the famous paste will become sweeter. Her, by the way, can be replaced with a chocolate milk cocktail.

Peanut butter with tomato

You can make a sandwich with white bread or smear a paste on a slice of tomato. Surprisingly, many people really like this taste combination.

Popcorn with milk

Popcore is invited to replace cornflakes that many are accustomed to breakfast. Cooking recipe is simple: pour popcorn milk.

Apple cake with cheese

The most uncommunicable taste combination from our list. Nevertheless, if we melt a piece of cheese on a charlottery, then a popular autumn dessert will delight you with a new and unusual taste.

Coffee with butter

Just put a piece of butter (coconut or gci) is also suitable in coffee. This unusual drink is not only pleasant to taste, but also acts as energy.

Dark chocolate with ketchup

In the taste of chocolate there are tomato notes, so if you pour a chocolate slicker ketchup, it will only increase the taste of sweets and make it rich.

Melon with ham

This dish was invented by an ancient Roman doctor Galen (Galen), who lived in the second century. e. The duet of melon and ham fell in love with the Italians that the dish came to the present day and did not lose their popularity.

Watermelon with oysters

The perfect combination: Watermelon contains cucumber notes in taste, which perfectly combine with the taste of oysters, and oysters enhance the sweetness of watermelon.

Chile Fruit Salad

Ground chili pepper with fruit salad is a traditional mexican dish. Thanks to the capsaicin, which is contained in Chile, is enhanced by the taste of fruit.

Avocado with hot chocolate

If you add ground avocado to hot chocolate, then the taste will turn out to be more saturated and creamy.

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