12 ways to beautifully tie a handkerchief on the neck


One handker is enough to keep warm and create a stylish image with a coat and a dress.

How to tie a big handkerchief over the coat


12 ways to beautifully tie a handkerchief on the neck

The method is suitable for a coat with a V-neck. You can take a handkerchief from 150 cm and a width of 60 cm or a thin square handkerchief with a length of at least 150 cm. If you chose a second option, first we fold the scarf in half so that a rectangle formed, then we throw it on the shoulders and tie it in front knot. Tightening closer to the neck and we bring the edge under the goal of the coat. The node can be shifted on the shoulder.

12 ways to beautifully tie a handkerchief on the neck


12 ways to beautifully tie a handkerchief on the neck

It will take a handkerchief from 190 cm long and a width of 70 cm (than it is wider, the more folds will turn out). Hold it in front of yourself and arbitrarily collect your fingers into the harmonica. We throw on the neck so that on the one hand, the end remains at least 30 cm. The long side is turned around around the neck, we take it over the corner and fix the back in the folding folds.

12 ways to beautifully tie a handkerchief on the neck


12 ways to beautifully tie a handkerchief on the neck

It is best to use a thin handkerchief with a width of 60 cm and a length of 2 m (than it is longer, the air will look at the image). We throw the handkerchief on your head, cross the ends in front, then rear and tie in front. Now we lower the handkerchief from the head on the shoulders, we turn slightly and correct.

12 ways to beautifully tie a handkerchief on the neck


12 ways to beautifully tie a handkerchief on the neck

This method of tying looks truly stylish with a mold of 220 cm for 80 cm. Arbitrary fingers collect a handkerchief in the harmonica, we put it in half, we throw it on the neck, we draw the ends through the loop. We find external tips on each side of the scarf, keep them in your hands and throw on the shoulders. You can get back at the neck in a small knot.

12 ways to beautifully tie a handkerchief on the neck


12 ways to beautifully tie a handkerchief on the neck

Square big sizes are suitable. We find the center of the handkerchief and tie it with a rubber band from the wrong side: we leave the tail 5-7 cm. Turn the handkerchief on the front side and add diagonally. Drapery by placing in front, and the ends crossed the rear and throw in advance. They can be tied up in a knot under draping or hide under it.

Invisible node

12 ways to beautifully tie a handkerchief on the neck

Good sizes of the handkerchief for this method - 220 cm for 80 cm. Wrap a handkerchief around the neck so that the ends of the same length remain in front. We associate them between themselves on the tie manner, then cover the knot on top of the loop and spread it.

12 ways to beautifully tie a handkerchief on the neck

How to tie a warm woolen handkerchief over the jacket


12 ways to beautifully tie a handkerchief on the neck

This method can be tied up and a knitted scarf, and a warm handkerchief (for it optimal will be the length of 190 cm, the width is from 40 cm). Arbitrary fingers collect a handkerchief in the harmonica and turn the handkerchief around the neck so that the ends of the same length remain in front. Take one end through the loop, but I do not completely pull it out. Another end is made through a new loop completely.

Cowboy style

12 ways to beautifully tie a handkerchief on the neck

We need a square handkerchief from a side length from 90 cm. We fold it in half diagonally and put it on the neck so that the triangle is in front. We intersect the ends from behind and take them on top of the triangle. Tie into the node.

12 ways to beautifully tie a handkerchief on the neck

We have already written how to wear a handkerchief on your head, and now we will tell you how to update the dress or blouse.

How to tie a silk handkerchief over the dress


12 ways to beautifully tie a handkerchief on the neck

It is with a dress that the small handkerchief will look the most elegant. Optimal length - 150-190 cm, width - 40-60 cm. Wrap a handkerchief around the neck so that the ends of the same length remain in front. We produce one end through the loop (towards the center of the circle, which forms a shawl around the neck). The same makes the same with another end. If there is a desire to complicate the node, you can make the same movements once again or hide the ends completely. To do this, it is enough to put them in the formed pockets.

12 ways to beautifully tie a handkerchief on the neck


12 ways to beautifully tie a handkerchief on the neck

It will take a thin square (with a side of 1 m) or a narrow (length of 1 m, width up to 30 cm) scarf. If you have chosen the first option, first we fold the scarf in half diagonally, we throw it on the neck and tie the tips in a small nodule. Hold your handkerchief for the knot and twist once. The resulting loop we throw again on the neck. The more and the little hand will be longer, the more effectively the image is.

12 ways to beautifully tie a handkerchief on the neck


12 ways to beautifully tie a handkerchief on the neck

You can take a silk scarf with a length of 70 cm (suitable and square, and rectangular). We put it in a strip and find the middle. From it we start tightly twist a handkerchief to form a harness. We put it on the neck and make the ends into the hole-loop.

Stylish knot

12 ways to beautifully tie a handkerchief on the neck

It is possible to tie a silk handkerchief and so: we throw it on the neck, tie one end of the shawl into a free node, then we do the second end to this node. If you take a handkerchief of small sizes, the option is suitable even for business style.

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