30 stunning tips for your irresistance and health


30 stunning tips for your irresistance and health
1. To combat wrinkles, lubricate your face with honey.

2. It is useful before going to bed to apply castor oil.

3. When having hair loss, rub the bracket of the blast into the skin of the head.

4. Lubricate your hands and elbows.

5. When roughing the skin of the hands to rub starch in the rough places.

6. As a powder, you can use a small amount of starch.

7. To dry oily hair every day or in a day, rub the wood welding of black tea into the scalp.

8. It is useful to make a body peeling from a coffee ground, the required amount of which can be collected in a few days.

9. Fresh-haired sea buckthorn juice is recommended as a mask for dry skin (1-1.5 tablespoons).

10. The hair will get the color of the red tree, if when painting in the henna pack add 3-4 spoons of cocoa.

11. When baldness, the oil of jojoba is lying into the skin of the head.

12. Infusion of elderberry flowers whitens, softens and tones dry skin.

13. To moisturize dry and sensitive skin on the night, the oil of jojoba, mixed with a small amount of water.

14. With a darkening of the nails regularly half an hour before meals, drinks on one tablespoon of cucumber brine.

15. To improve the color of the face to make masks from a mixture of honey and salts that have a rejuvenating effect.

16. Lavender and tea tree essential oil are natural antiseptics that help to fight acne.

17. In the morning and in the evening, wipe the face of tea, boiled in mineral water with a piece of sugar. Suitable for any skin.

18. Regular drinking mint tea gives the skin of the face freshness and pinkish hue.

19. It is useful to lubricate eyebrows and eyelashes with castor oil or a mixture of castor oil with rum.

20. For deep cleaning of the skin of the face, use whipped egg yolk and lemon juice. Apply on face with layers.

21. To soften the hands, rub the mixture in them from equal parts of vinegar and vegetable oil.

22. Before bedtime, lubricate the face and hand with a mixture of equal parts of olive oil and lemon juice.

23. To purify the skin of the face, use a mixture of dry oatmeal with water and simple yogurt.

24. At acne, a mask of a grated apple and a small amount of honey helps.

25. When pregnant, lubricate the stomach with cocoa butter in order to avoid the appearance of stretch marks.

26. Fresh calangean juice to dilute with water (1: 3) and make a bullion with allergies.

27. People's Iranian agent for strengthening hair - colorless henna mask, diluted with warm kefir.

28. To strengthen the hair, rubberily buckwheat.

29. For thin hair make a mask from a whipped one yolk and a tablespoon of vegetable oil.

30. When having hair falling per hour before washing, wash the mixture from equal amounts of castor oil and roma into the skin of the head.

30 stunning tips for your irresistance and health

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