Three original options how to turn the old packaging in the home decoration


Three original options how to turn the old packaging in the home decoration
In the house, empty glass jars and bottles accumulated again? Do not rush to carry everything in a landfill! As always, we have several ideas, how to turn garbage into the trendy and original decoration of your interior. Simpler just nowhere!

1. Spray paint and adhesive tape

For this you need:

  • Paper adhesive tape
  • Spray paint for glass

We take the glass jar and how we should clean it from oil and food residues. Put the middle of the adhesive tape, then evenly paint the whole bank of paint. When the paint is dry, we spare tape. And here instead of ordinary glass jars - a vase with an original design.

Three original options how to turn the old packaging in the home decoration

2. Glue and twine

Need to:

  • twine or wax cord
  • glue

To create this is such a luxurious vase, you just need to wind the glass bottle or the jar with a cord and secluded safely. The best vase will look if it is either completely wrapped with a cord, or leave the top of the untouched.

Three original options how to turn the old packaging in the home decoration

3. Thermocles and paint

For this you need:

  • Termoklay
  • Acrylic paint
  • Brush

This option will allow you to show your fantasy in full: we take a clean glass bottle and, using a glue gun, make a glue with a bulk inscription or a picture on the glass. When the glue dries off, fully paint the bottle of paint. The inscription will be perfectly highlighted on your new vase.

Three original options how to turn the old packaging in the home decoration

Try all three options and feel free to tell everyone that the new decor elements were bought at a fashion designer. You will definitely believe!

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