Girl from China sewed a dress of 40 bags


Girl from China sewed a dress of 40 bags

Girl from China sewed a dress of 40 bags
The modern world is so oversaturated with information, especially visual, which is not so easy to surprise the usual man. The more interesting rare moments, when some stories or videos become "viral", that is, so allocated among the rest that people want to share them with their friends and acquaintances. The video of the Chinese farmer Tan Lily also became viral, although the girl herself clearly did not count on it.

Lily Tan works in the field.

The reason for the sudden popularity of the 28-year-old Tan Lily was the short video, which she posted on the Internet. On the video, the girl flips in front of the camera in an amazing dress, sewn from several tens of cement bags. As Tang Lily told, the bags remained after repairing the house - she and her husband worked on the transformation of his housing for the last few months.

Girl from China sewed a dress of 40 bags

Sam Tang Lily graduated from his studies at 18th - she had to go to work to feed himself and his family after her father died of cancer. Since then, the girl is constantly working in a field on a farm. That day it was raining, there was no point in the field, and Tang Lily bored. It was then that she fell into the eyes of the bags she decided to sew.

Girl from China sewed a dress of 40 bags

Lily Tan lives in a private house in the countryside.

Of course, there is nothing extraordinary in the dress from the bags. But the audience, firstly, was struck by what a dignity the girl holds, despite such, to put it mildly, inappropriate for the dress material. And secondly, against the background of the rest of the girls who try to put on as much expensive clothes as possible and look as quickly as possible and expensive, Tang Lily appeared to people "simple and understandable".

Girl from China sewed a dress of 40 bags

Lily Tang in a wedding dress from the bags stands next to her husband.

After the video Tang Lee became mega-popular in WEIBO - Chinese Facebook version, "journalists of leading Chinese media sent to the girl almost a caravan. They began to ask her about her life, why she sewed this dress, about what she also sewed in his life - and many other questions. A girl was clearly not ready for such a hype and was very confused in the presence of journalists. "I guess I would get even more likes, if it were prettier," Tang Lee laughs.

Girl from China sewed a dress of 40 bags

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