Wall decoration in the kitchen - modern, original ways


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The interior of the kitchen will be original and interesting if to form her design to come up with a fraction of fantasy, it will help to avoid the patterns to which we are so accustomed to Soviet times. This habit to this day is pursued, because there are generally accepted standard interior design of a particular room. So decoration of walls in the kitchen in our country for the most part lies in the combination of wallpaper with ceramic tiles. Variety slightly adds a large range of those and others. But still, in the head of each inheritance of our country, there are some templates that cause repair on generally accepted standards.

This article offers ideas more original, in the decoration of walls of the kitchen. Let's take a little away from standards and look at the kitchen design on the other, more creative side.


What materials can be used to finish the walls in the kitchen?

Regarding the choice of materials, you can say the following - they must be quite practical. After all, the kitchen is a place in which some aromas are constantly present, in the process of cooking in it usually increased humidity, and the pairs of fat in the air are present. Consequently, all selected materials should be ready for this. Doves and floors should be decorated in such a material that would not absorb smells, moisture, and not afraid of wet cleaning.

If you have chosen wallpaper, they must be washing, preferably as smooth as possible in order not to complicate their lives in the future when the time of wet cleaning comes.

The same with the rest of the materials, choose more practical. But it should be said that this property sometimes has to sacrifice the sake of originality and aesthetics. After all, the last two sometimes imply the use of very not simple materials for repair.


Finishing walls in the kitchen - create an exclusive.

To bring more originality in the kitchen interior, it is necessary to resolve in the head that you strictly decided to move away from the standards. Remember a confident decision - a guarantee of a good result. The second point implies watching various ready-made kitchen finishing ideas. What actually is presented below.

Wall painting and decorative plaster in the kitchen finish

Today, the copyright, creative work on the wall is becoming increasingly popular. This is a different kind of wall painting. Decorative plaster, fresco and others - they allow you to make unique compositions on the wall, as they are made by the hands of the wizard. Moreover, plaster and fresco allows you to get almost volumetric parts on the wall.

True, the cost of such works is not small, but the result is usually awesome. The main thing to choose the appropriate design according to the kitchen design.





Stone decoration in the kitchen stone.

The stone is gaining increasingly popularity, the main advantage is that this material is quite durable, therefore it shows itself well, the second dignity of him is that it creates a cozy home atmosphere, but at the same time he looks quite expensive in the interior. There are different types of stones used for wall decoration, the most popular is the rock stone and brick. It should be noted that this method of finishing is very often combined with plaster.






The same decorative stone is often combined with photo wallpapers, as a result, it turns out quite the original composition, sometimes thereby transmitting the impression of the dilapidated walls, followed by a beautiful landscape.


Wall mural in kitchen wall decoration

Today, the interest in the photo wrist was resumed, the new life of this idea was given modern technologies and the demand for them. Now thanks to them, it was possible to make the interior of the kitchen for the present exclusive. To do this, it is enough to order by the artist some kind of composition corresponding to the style of the kitchen and transfer the finished image on the wallpaper.



You can finish on the wallpaper, so lately in the trend wallpaper with inscriptions. The inscriptions in turn should have a semantic bunch with this room.


Themed wallpapers for decoration walls of the kitchen

Especially for the kitchen in stores you can purchase thematic wallpapers, they can portray various things that are characteristic of this room. Such a solution will also look interesting and funny that it will be very good to contribute to the creation of stylish and at the same time home atmosphere.





There are other ways to finish the walls, this is a different kind of panel - PVC, MDF, wooden panels and much more. More glitter can be brought to the kitchen interior if you use mirror decoration materials and others in its design.

The walls of the walls in the kitchen should be carried out with the selected style, the degree of illumination, size and configuration of the kitchen, and of course personal preferences. And then the result will definitely have a big positive effect.





Finishing of walls in the kitchen photo (5)






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