Bracelets from Beads do it yourself


Р'СђР ° СѓР »РμС с <РёР · Р ± СѓРёРѕ СѓРіРѕРјРјРё СђСѓРєР ° РјРё !!! (700x393, 297Kb)
Р'СђР ° СѓР »РμС.с <RUR · P ± SѓРёРѕ СѓРІРѕРёРјРё СђСѓРєР ° РјРё8 (700x525, 406kb)

An adult woman, of course, rarely wears jewelry, especially, hand-made. But in these things there is something unique, individual, which highlights you from the crowd. Any thing purchased in the store is deprived of this. In the products made by hand, with their own hands, so much charm, which is impossible to evaluate money. Things made by yourself are invaluable, it is the spiritualization of your state of mind, love for beautiful things, this is the personification of your taste, your view on the world, your attitude to the beautiful.

The bracelets made with their own hands can also be elegant as purchased in expensive boutiques, but they are made taking into account your favorite colors, under you, for your style, under your wardrobe items. They wear them not only with summer outfits, when it is meaningless to wear expensive decorations, because you spend most of the summer time in nature, and many just give and spend the night on your favorite site. Bracelets woven with their own hands can be put on the evening to your beloved dress, or just for the mood. But girls and young girls with them do not part almost never. It is understandable, they have their own views on the style and fashion.

Р'СђР ° СѓР »РμС с <РёР · Р ± СѓРёРѕ СѓРіРѕРёрРјРё СђСѓРєР ° РјРё !! (700x465, 219Kb)

Р'СђР ° СѓР »РμС с <РёР · Р ± СѓРёРѕ СѓРіРѕРёрРјРё СђСѓРєР ° РјРё! (700x466, 213kb)

Р'СђР ° СѓР »РμС с <РёР · Р ± СѓРёРѕ СѓРіРѕРёрРёРё СђСѓРєР ° РјРё0 (700x465, 234kb)

Р'СђР ° СѓР »РμС с <РёР · Р ± СѓРёРѕ СѓРіРѕРёрРёРё СђСѓРєР ° РјРё1 (700x466, 140kb)

Р'СђР ° СѓР »РμС С <РёР · Р ± СѓРёРѕ СѓРіРѕРёрРјРё СђСѓРєР ° РјРё2 (700x525, 268kb)

Р'СђР ° Сѓр »РμС с <РёР · Р ± СѓРёРѕ СѓРіРѕРёрРёРё СђСѓРєР ° РјРё3 (700x466, 214kb)

Р'СђР ° СѓР »РμС С <RUR · P ± SѓРёРѕ СѓРіРѕРёрРјРё СђСѓРєР ° РјРё4 (700x700, 468kb)

The basis for the manufacture of many bracelets is ordinary beads. Score from beads beads, which will be firmly held on the tape, not at all difficult!

Р'СђР ° СѓР »РμС с <РёР · Р ± СѓСѓРѕ СѓРіРѕРёрРјРё СђСѓРєР ° РјРё5 (700x402, 300kb) (700x700, 448Kb)
Р ± СђР ° СѓР »РμС, 3. (300x300, 70kb)
P'R RђRўR> P • Rў4 (700x525, 447Kb)

Bead bracelets can be of a different complexity, one or two rows, you can choose for yourself the most convenient option you yourself, for the prompt video, which shows how to assemble the triple bracelet from beads with a metal clasp.

Р'СђР ° Сѓр »РμС с <РёР · Р ± СѓСѓРѕ СѓРіРѕРёрРјРё СђСѓРєР ° РјРё9 (700x393, 290kb)

Р'СђР ° СѓР »РμС с <РёР · Р ± СѓСѓРѕ СѓРіРѕРёрРјРё СђСѓРєР ° РјРё7 (700x385, 289kb)

Р'СђР ° СѓР »РμС.с <RUR · P ± SѓРёРѕ СѓРІРѕРёРјРё СђСѓРєР ° РјРё8 (700x525, 406kb)

R'Sђr ° СѓР »РμС с <РёР · Р ± сѓРёРѕ СѓРіРѕРёРёё СђСѓРєР ° РјРё10 (700x407, 294kb)

Р'СђР ° СѓР »РμС с <РёР · Р ± СѓСѓРѕ СѓРіРѕРёрРјРё СђСѓРєР ° РјРё12 (700x510, 231kb)

Р'СђР ° СѓР »РμС с <РёР · Р ± СѓРёРѕ СѓРіРѕРёрРёРё СђСѓРєР ° РјРё13 (604x347, 170kb)


Р'СђР ° СѓР »РμС с <РёР · Р ± СѓСѓРѕ СѓРіРѕРёрРјРё СђСѓРєР ° РјРёС'33 (700x466, 317Kb)

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Р'Р РђРўР> R • Рў 2 (300x208, 33kb)

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