All quickly to the kitchen for soda!


"Magic" properties of food soda, which you probably did not know. There is almost no place in the house where it would be impossible to use the soda. Do not believe?

All quickly to the kitchen for soda!

1. Do not pay for the expensive meat softener - this is the same our soda, but in the beautiful candy. You need to make meat quickly, moved, and so to be soft? The lip is not a fool, everyone wants. What do you do? Soda's soda and a few hours in the refrigerator. Before cooking, soak meat in running water, remove the remains of soda.

2. How to check the soda on the suitability? If you extinguished the soda by vinegar, and at the same time the pop is granted, it means that the soda exhaled. Do not throw away: Pour the garbage to the bottom of the garbage to the bottom, even if this residue will work for benefit. Sealed pack of soda "lives" 18 months, open only 6.

3. Wash fruits and vegetables in soda water - soda will get there where water is not capable. Do not want the fish to remain unpleasant odor? Two teaspoons of soda on a liter of water and a towel or a napkin in this solution to snatch your fiszy or pieces of fillet. On an o'clock in the fridge. Sighbed, and forward. Your omelets will be more magnificent if soda on the tip of the knife will give, and speed up the boobs, beans will also help soda. In addition, when you eat Chile, whether the pea or Lobio puffs will not torment the gases.

All quickly to the kitchen for soda!

4. No yeast in the house? No problem. Vitamin C or aspirin is? Mixed one of two 50% / 50% with soda in that volume, in which you needed yeast. And you know what is amazing? Your dough will not rise until it gets into the oven. But there ...

And who will like it, when hands after cooking smell like onion, garlic, fish? Knives are not better smelled. And we are smart, we are soda's hands instead of the soap wash.

Bought a jar of beautiful pickles of pickles, and they are such acetic, spherrical acidity. Where is our soda? Only carefully - a strong foaming will go in touch with vinegar, so we put the jar into the sink.

All quickly to the kitchen for soda!

5. Nobody loves dirty drain in the sink. What do we have to do? From time to time, several soda spoons pour into the hole on the catch with a grid and extinguish the vinegar. And if I clogged, otherwise: the pack of salt is slide and boiling water.

Dishwasher, you might think without their expensive powder will not work! You can do this: mix 2 teaspoons of soda with 2 spoons of boracs (powder drill). The result will surprise you. By the way, the machine dishwasher from time to time it is necessary to "treat" from the smells of the same soda - to raise half a cup of soda on the pallet, and then rolong the car in the rinsing cycle. Sponges can be "treated" by the same soda, holding a sponge in soda water overnight.

6. Soda very well removes odors. Do not be lazy to put a saucer with soda for the night in the refrigerator. A trash container in the kitchen cabinet also loves once a week with soda to make friends. Clapped kitchen ants - Sprinkle soda along the threshold, all the holes in other people's rooms are treated - we will leave.

All quickly to the kitchen for soda!

7. Yes, this is a fact: our cats and piss and cook. And from this in the smell tray. And we are the inxisments - we have soda in the filler, and no smell. And the finished fragrance is worth it!

8. Surprise in the house. They chirknuly on a whitewash and have a black strip? Baby with wax pencil fell? Want - Soda Speat, you want to draw in chalk. Washing wallpapers love soda solution. And carpets clean well and deprive the shaft smell of the same soda dry. Only spelling as follows. Piano keys are often yellow. Continue?

9. In the bathroom, almost everything can be washed with soda: from the tiles on the floor to the tile and the ceiling. No deodorant? Soda on armpits! Do not buy expensive washing and bleaching funds. The quality of any of them can be strengthened by adding soda. I use the "Tait", and soda sink with a quarter cups. (I don't throw the knees either - on the grater and there for smell. With the last roser cycle, we pour a cup of table vinegar, softens the fabric and removes electrostatic).

10. And your first aid kit is also in the bathroom? Then we are treated by burns: Quickly soda in ice water, droin the rag and burns, and continue to apply until the burning will pass. Burned in the sun? 4 teaspoons of soda on a water cup. The child is sick with windmill and calculated strongly - make him a bath with soda. Cut when shaving? A teaspoon of soda on a cup of water and a cutting riveting. The same thing from the bee bites. The diaper from diapers from the child is also treated with a weak solution of soda.

All quickly to the kitchen for soda!

11. Fallen, woke up - Gypsum. Who did not wear, he does not know how sometimes before the teeth crossed under the gypsum itches. People, everything is simple: install your hair dryer on the cold mode and manage to blew dry soda under the gypsum. But it is better that someone helped, and then not to blunt soda into the eyes.

12. You are pretty whiten your teeth? Or you threaten periodontal disease? I keep soda and salt together with toothpaste, right in sight to not forget. Screw the teeth and the soda, then salt. And who wears removable prostheses - keep them in soda solution at night and clean dry soda for bleaching. Dandruff, again: rub dry soda into the scalp. Do you know that the lacquers are finally shampoo not flushed out? Add to soda shampoo. In the toilet: Do not buy on labels of toilet fresheners - you soda it, a birthplace.

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