Author's oil veil for tinting products from wood: master class


The author will tell us and show how to make an oil veil.

This workshop is suitable for those who have no allergies to turpentine, White spirit, who does not sick from the smell of flaxseed oil and alkydly - urethane varnish. Who has no bronchial asthma. Without panic. Artists work with these substances all life. We just need to air the room. With large volumes, it is not takenlate for several hours in a row, and take breaks and go out. It is possible in a gas mask in the form of a mask with boxes. Now modern is, very comfortable. Besides, I picked up the best materials that found. There is no strong smell from them.

That's what I got in the finished products.

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What she likes homemade veil, you can adjust absolutely everything. We know the components, we know their behavior and can add them as you like.

So, what we need;

Words of the author.

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1. Linen oil (any: artistic is better, but you can also from the supermarket). Oil dried.

2. Art oil paint Umbra natural. I have "Ladoga". (On 5 doors I took a half of the large tube)

3. Wood blank. We climb it. Slightly sandwicked, especially.

4. White spirit "Tikkurila". Smells a cheese. There is no technical terrible smell. You can take pinen, pharmacy turbine, gasoline, although essential oils. This is a diluent.

5. Yacht varnish "Unica Super" semi-wave, "Tikkurila". Because at the end I will cover this varnish. So that there is no conflict between the varnishes. You can take any, even PF. But better imported, they smell less, dry faster and more transparent.

Varnish and not necessarily. But with lacquer he dries faster. Or if the tree is very vascular, then the varnish does not give the paint to leak too deep and disappear. Butter will dry ... And the varnish grabs. So it was with the door. The tree is old, and the paint with butter has passed too deep and got lost there. There is still a very raw and cold climate, in the north. There in summer +12. Oil can dry out a year. Need a catalyst, varnish. For our needlework blanks, it is possible and without varnish, but it will dry longer.

Girls, back Council . If you have just a tinted tree, and it is not planned on top of the painting, then when covering varnish, toned varnish. Add paint and the thing in the lacquer and the thing will look at a richer. Color - deeper. It seems that this is called a dirty varnish or bay. With alkyd varnishes, the effect is awesome. The layer is three toned varnish and will look like in the museum.

6. Any container, Synthetic Tassel and Rag.

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So, squeeze the paint see 4.

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We add approximately the same amount of flaxseed oil, White spirit and varnish. Here is freedom! The proportions can be varied. Checked, dries in the end with any proportions. Divorced to the state of water, milk, thick sour cream. Even rubbed just paint from the tube. If you need a paler, then you feel old. If necessary, slower dry with a large area, then more oil and less varnish. Linen oil is a drying oil. If you need to cover the finish color varnish, then more varnish and less oil with solvent. If it is necessary to rush, you can simply oil paint and some oil, for convenience. But if you want, to dry quickly (the oil will dry the day 4-10), then you need to add varnish. Varnish is the alkyd system that fastest polymerizes the whole thing.

I got this alone:

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We smear this mulaka to the workpiece. In any direction, any construction tassel. The layer can be made thorough.

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And leave for half an hour. If dry and hot, then no more than half an hour. If damp and cold, it is possible for an hour.

Then we take a cloth and remove all the paint from the surface, which will take off. In general, wipe. All that needed, has absorbed and start to polymerize. That's such a casket turns out.


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All, leave to dry in the sun and draft. The first layer is ready. Then, when dried, I love to lay the layer of another paint on top, so that the tone is more difficult. Similarly, I laugh or more, for example, Tio Indigo brown or craplan. You can ultramarine, Mars. The main thing is that the paint is luster, and not deaf, otherwise it will simply wake up on top and there will be a complex color. It is necessary. So that they shine, then there will be a tone, which is not to achieve one of some kind of mourn or paint.

Then I will sign up with Zhostovsky painting. Highly shallow sandpaper, the tree is not necessary, maximum 240. otherwise the pores will be closed and the solution will not accept. Now the workpiece will dry about a day 4. Then I will show how other tones looks like. In addition, I hope, I will have a camera better and I can show the depth of the tone. No water verses and paints are so possible. Hands with a tassel are laundered with any kerosene gasoline.

Thanks for attention.

PS. Doors have been perfect for two years in the climate cheese. Top covered with two layers of the same semian varnish of the unit. After complete drying, there is no smell and harm. Paints and varnishes become inert.

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