Cheerful Kitchen Curtains on Loops With Whales


Kitchen curtains on loops with swollen
Cheerful kitchen curtains are sewn from 2 species of red-white checkered fabric. Decorate the curtains of the volanses on the indoor and top sections and bows.

The size : for windows 1.0 x 1.20 m

You will need: for curtains

Fabric in a large red and white cage 3.35 M 1.5 m wide;

Fabric into a small cell of red and white 1,70 meters width of 1.50 m;

Curtain braid with 5 threads 3.05 m

Cut out

For curtains: 2 panels 140 cm 150 cm wide, rounded lower edges Pattern;

For loops: 18 segments of 20 x 10 cm

For lower volanov: 7 bands 10 x 150 cm (prepare 2 bands 10 x 525 cm);

For banding bows: 2 bands 15 x 150 cm;

For upper volanesses: 2 bands 25 x 150 cm;

For this type of curtain, you can use a metal, bronze or white plastic bar.

Making a curtain

Step 1:

Volani. 7 10 cm wide strips on a sewing machine 0.5 cm wide, slices wound. Cut the long strip in half - it turned out 2 lanes for the volanses. To adjust each strip on the wrong side 2 times on a width of 0.5 cm and strain from the side of the adjacent cut. Edges rebound. On the other hand, lay a line with wide stitches at a distance of 1 cm from the edge. Poland to dwell for the formation of flutes. Upper flutes 25 cm widths are also used, but on both long sides and dwell at a distance of 6 cm from the top edge.

Kitchen curtains on loops with swollen

Step 2. : External side sides of the curtain to adjust 2 times on a width of 1.5 cm and take. Sew them on the sewing machine and rest. Rounded edges (internal and lower) to be treated with flounders. For this, the details are copped with pins and dodge on the sewing machine.

Kitchen curtains on loops with swollen

Step 3. : Punches on the seams are found on the cloth curtains. Plot Shot into the edge.

Kitchen curtains on loops with swollen

Step 4. : To adjust the top edges (not fed) once on a width of 1 cm and once again on a 4 cm width, fit and snow. Cut for loops folded in half the front side inside, stitching a long slice on the sewing machine, twist on the front side and root.

Kitchen curtains on loops with swollen

Step 5: Upper WALANS Locate on a flat surface face down. To impose a cloth on the Vacan, the front side down, retreating 1 cm below and dig. The loops will arrange a bit protruding from the top edge of the curtain and sew on the same distance from each other.

Kitchen curtains on loops with swollen

Step 6: Locate a curtain tape from the wrong side, copp the pins and strain on the sewing machine along the first and last thread of the curtain tape. Make bobbies. For this, all edges of a 15 cm wide strip can be adjusted 2 times on a width of 0.75 cm and to take. Sew them on the sewing machine and rest. Pickages tie on curtains by bows.

Kitchen curtains on loops with swollen

Pattern for sewing kitchen curtains on loops with swollen
Cheerful Kitchen Curtains on Loops With Whales

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