Knit from polymer clay: secrets round beads


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Today I want to tell you how to make beads of polymer clay in the technique of imitation of knitting.

On the Internet, there are a large number of different master classes on this technique, and probably it's hard to come up with something new.

I just want to share my way of making round "knitted" beads and some nuances of work.

I will be glad if someone my lesson is useful.

So let's go!

1. Let us squeeze out the color of the color we need from the extruder.

If you want a nipple with the effect of "Melange", add a little clay of another color and do not put it up to the end.

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It is convenient for me to work with threads of 15-20 cm long.

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2. Two "strings" connect from one end and twist.

Watch that the flagellas be twisted evenly along the whole long, did not thicken and did not stretch.

If the plastic is too soft, quickly deformed and the flagellas are very pulled while trying to twist them, you can put extruder "strings" for 10-15 minutes. in the refrigerator. Cold plastic will not be so soft and work is more comfortable.

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3. Important: We twist flashers in different directions in pairs!

Those. If we have 10 flagella flags to the right, there must be 10 pcs. with a spiral left. We connect them between themselves.

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Arrogments I tried to depict the directions of the twist of the spirals

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4. Rock balls from polymerglin, which will serve as the basis for our beads.

I must make a hole in the center for a needle or toothpick to turn into a bead.

Balls must be 3-4 mm. Less than the planned bead size. By adding "knitted" pigs, their size increases.

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5. Now you need to cut the resulting braids for segments.

Please note: I make an incision in the pattern of pigtails, not direct cut, but "checkmark". This will allow you to do all the joints with almost imperceptible, and the work is neat.

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6. We need a segment of two species: one is more authentic, others are shorter (hereinafter will be more clearly).

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7. Apply the first, long, segment. He must go beading from the side of the vengeon to the lower hole.

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8. On the sides of the long pigtail - short. They do not reach the hole on both sides.

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Watch that there is no two one-sided spirals.

Should get such a zigzag

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9. Add new pigtails, alternating them long / short.

Thus, at the ends of the beads from the holes, we, as it were, "we reduce the loop", and the pigtails fall exactly, not deforming.

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So do it to the end

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10. We send to the oven, following the instructions on the package.

Ready! :)

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Examples of my works in the technique imitation of knitting.

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