I will tell you how to create a salt lamp and how to strengthen health with salt


I want to pay attention to the healing properties of all familiar salt.

And even though they say that salt is white death, without it, alas, do not do. No wonder and sweat, and urine, and tears allocated by man, salty, and in our blood there are 0.9% of salt. Without it, a person is already weakening for 3-4 days, so with excessive sweat, when, along with then from the body, salt leaves, it is recommended to drink salted water.

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Today, treatment is very popular in the conditions of the microclimate of the salt mine, that is, in a spele ax. There is successfully treated with bronchial asthma, bronchitis, chronic pneumonia, allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, the medium-free form of psoriasis, thyroid disease, salt therapy helps to increase immunity, as well as smoothing wrinkles. Of course, many people can not come to speleosnament for different reasons, so I want to tell how to independently create a saline lamp and how to doubt the ailments mentioned above.

A large salt lamp can also be purchased at a special store, but it is expensive, so it's better to make it yourself, especially since everyone when creating such a lamp invests its energy, its strength and sincere faith in healing. Activative particles of salt allocated The lamp is cleaned not only the environment, but also remarkably clean the aura of a person. And if a high concentration of salt ion concentrations are achieved at the expense of passive evaporation from a huge surface of the mine, then our lamp heated itself actively sends and evaporates salt ions.

Pictures on request saline lamp do it yourself

So, to create a salt lamp, it is necessary to pour onto the bottom of the "Extra" in the bottom of the "extra" layer of 1 cm. Next, in a separate dish, mix in volume 1 part of the extra "extra" salt with 10 parts of a large, better sea, salt and slightly sprinkle all with water. To lay a layer of 1 cm cooked salt mixture, put a glass in the center of the cast iron and slowly, the rambling layer layer, put a wet mixture of salts around it. Having reached the top of the castle, it is necessary to paint it in a circle so that the salt is even more confused, shove the castle iron and even once to take it. After that, put the dishes on a very slow fire, better with a flame scatteer, pour water into a glass and withstand 2-3 hours. Lamp is ready. When the contents of the cast iron cools, quietly cleanse it and remove the lamp from the form. Any drill or nail care neatly to do in the center of the dome lamp hole, put it on a 3-4 match box or a piece of wood, light in the center of the lamp candle and breathe salt ions outgoing from the lamp. Perform procedures several times a day before a stable health condition. When creating a lamp, be sure to stay in good and joyful mood. Then this positive emotion charge will remember salt and will fill your home health.

In general, not only the body, but also the biopol, should not be ill. And if it is normal, then no diseases, as well as the evil eye, that is, the negative energy is not terrible. Normalize biopole will also help salt. It is necessary to dissolve 0.5 kg of a rock salt into 2 liters of water, bring the solution to a boil, pecking on a weak heat, periodically removing the foam, merging the dirty water and adding clean, and when the water is almost completely discharged, the salt is ready for use.

Pictures on request Salt with water

If you feel the decline in the strength or want to normalize blood pressure during hypertension, I advise dissolve in 30-50 ml of vodka 1 tsp. Cached salt and immediately drink a solution. Stir the salt for a long time clockwise, reading "Our Father". At the same time, you must have a positive attitude. If the whole salt in vodka does not dissolve, not scary. After consuming the solution, it is necessary to lie down 5-10 minutes, deeply breathing with the air and intensively exhausted by his mouth. The eyes should be closed. Rising, learn salt on a dry pan, place it in the bags of linen fabric and attach them to the soles. If the bags are very hot, wrap them in a towel. As cool to get involved. Soon you will feel the tide of the strength and forget about the attack of hypertension.

To protect yourself from the evil eye, increase immunity, clean the body from slags and toxins, I recommend to apply the rubbing with a salt with honey. It is necessary 200 g of natural high-quality honey and 300 g of the prepared salt carefully, slowly, mix to the contestation of ointment, place it in a glass jar, pre-wrapped in food foil, and put it on a storage in the refrigerator. When preparing ointments, you need to get rid of any negative and read ours. Flying by ointment after making a hot soul. Do not wipe, but only slightly flush the body with a terry towel. Apply the ointment slowly, thoroughly rubbed into the skin, bypassing the armpits, groin and face. Conduct the procedure without leaving the bathroom. 5-10 minutes after rubbing ointment, you will feel tiling and tingling in the body. This means that the ointment began to work. It is necessary to suffer another 3-5 minutes, and then wash off all the water temperature and at least 40 minutes to lie down. During lying to fully relax and try to tune in to a positive, thinking about something light and joyful.

I will tell you how to create a salt lamp and how to strengthen health with salt

Make friends with salt, no wonder Jesus told his disciples: "You are a salt of the earth," that is, strong, kind, reliable people who love their people and their land.

Pictures on request will tell you how to create a salt lamp and how to strengthen health with salt
Pictures on request will tell you how to create a salt lamp and how to strengthen health with salt

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