Soviets do not happen much


Soviets do not happen much. Because one head is good, and a few are even better. And much better. Every time I am convinced of this, after reading the next useful observation of one person, which he tells everyone - thanks to him - a man - for it.

Chalk absorption

Soviets do not happen much

Hang a bag with chalk in a wardrobe so that your clothes never appeared unpleasant smell. Mel perfectly absorbs odors and moisture.

Simple vacuum packaging

Soviets do not happen much

Products in vacuum packaging longer remain fresh than just folded in the refrigerator, but if you do not have a vacuum packer, this is an easy way. Package with products in a large bowl with water. The fluid pressure will cause air. You will only be closed or tie a package.

Cocktail straws for a bouquet

Soviets do not happen much

So that the bouquet looked beautifully, the flowers in it should stand straight, without falling down as falling in different directions. Place the soft stems of such colors as, for example, tulips, in a drink straw - and the question is resolved.

Cannent knife for opening packs

Soviets do not happen much

How long has to suffer with plastic packages that are securely rude on all sides! And especially for this occasion, we have the following trick: Just take a knife for canned food and easily get the necessary thing.

Towel to accelerate drying

Soviets do not happen much

To accelerate the drying of things, put a dry towel in the drum to the raw material and turn on the spinning mode.

Uncooked ice

Soviets do not happen much

If you get the usual sponge with water, put it in a sealed package and remove it in the freezer, it turns out a robust package with ice. When using water will not be spread.

Coffee thickness for soil

Soviets do not happen much

If you like coffee and you have a coffee thickness, then an excellent fertilizer can get out of it. Oplace or add to the soil of coffee grounds - and no parasites will be scary to you.

Cosmetic lotion from cosmetics stains

Soviets do not happen much

With the help of an inappropriate lotion for removing makeup, you can remove from the clothes stains from makeup: a tonal cream, lipstick, carcass. If you color your hair at home, lotion for removing makeup will remove the paint from the skin.

Mattress cover for relaxing on the beach

Soviets do not happen much

Take the mattress record or sheet with rubber bands, fix the edges with bags or other suitable objects, and comfortable rest without sand is guaranteed.

Tassel washing air conditioning

Soviets do not happen much

Rinse the brushes in water with air conditioning and let them dry them naturally. Brushes will become much softer.

Bottle irrigation

Soviets do not happen much

Such a simple sprinkler Everything can be done quickly and easily at home. For him only need a plain plastic bottle and hose.

Green tea for plants

Soviets do not happen much

A weak solution of sleep green tea can be used for watering plants every 4 weeks. On 10 liters of water there will be enough 2-3 bags of tea. WD-40 from the spots on the tree

Soviets do not happen much

Spots from coffee or tea on any wooden surfaces will not be a problem, if you walk on them with a damp cloth moistened in WD-40.

Lipstick for healing

Soviets do not happen much

If a small cut immediately lubricate a thin layer of hygienic lipstick, it will stop blood, and the wound will heal very quickly.


Soviets do not happen much

Residents of the small village of Daulatdia in Bangladesh invented a simple way, which helps them get rid of the exhausting heat. Technology does not spend energy and uses plastic bottles.

Cream-Depilator for Leg Care

Soviets do not happen much

The cream for depilation perfectly softens the coarse skin of the heels, and also come in handy for manicure: it softens the cuticle well.

Paper from smells

Soviets do not happen much

Plastic food containers are porous, so they often retain smells even after washing. Keep them by placing the chopped sheet of black and white newspaper so that the paper absorbed odors. And before use, rinse again.


Soviets do not happen much

But the advice is often found on the Internet, how to open the castle, if there is no key, turned out to be duck: Not only that it does not work, it is also a big risk to burn. Therefore, such a trick is better not to repeat.

I'll start with this simple, but relevant to everyone and each of us. Because we go now, everything and the door of the car may unexpectedly slam down from any person. While the key will remain in the ignition lock ... I am from those who survived, having losing a lot of nerves, forces and time. And it was possible to do this:

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And so it's more convenient to work: knitted "pads" for needles. The idea is - we will connect ourselves

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Gathering on a journey or going shopping, make a secret pocket.

The fact that on the neck is always near, and pockets on zippers - always at hand and in front of the eyes. And there - both the bank card and / or money, and the document, if necessary

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Simple markup cardboard - a great pattern for bending.

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Smart and dextering device for oblique bey. We will do once, but will use long. Again, from a piece of cardboard, you will not think easier

As if the principle of action

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Details of the manufacture

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If you really want to hang a pot with a flower ... to be beautiful!

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We fight with rust available ways

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At the cottage a lot of rusty. So here we clean what is at hand:

1. Coca-Cola. Easily removes rust, just water the rusted places, wait a little and rub. Small items can be simply quitting for a while in the Cocoa Coke. Large - linen with a cloth, mamming her Coca-Cola.

2. Vinegar. We dilute with water up to 70%, put into solution with rust tools, strongly rust long. As soon as Rust starts to be replicated, take and clean.

3. Bura and Lemon. Mix the boor and lemon juice to the state of the paste. We apply to rusty places, we leave for half an hour. If the paste dries - they splash on it with water. We take brushes - clean.

4. Potatoes and salt. Potato juice removes rust from surfaces. Cut the potato in half, sprinkle with salt and wipe the rusty surface. If necessary, repeat the procedure.


Six machine lines to strengthen internal seams


That's so just strengthen the rope handles. Have a bag, for example

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Some sewing


Kant for thick fabrics. View from Isnake

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How to Crying Chanel

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We strengthen the corner of the cut-pencil skirt

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How to fix the lining

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Always amazed by the perplexity of the pieces of people, right before the worship of their skills. But the truth is the things that just need to save. And therefore - to shave

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Well, more about the cutting! Look, amaze! And I remove the hat in front of the master and not even take it to imagine how it is done. Although the inquisitive ladies will definitely understand

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