How easy and easy to avoid the problem of uneven or "runaway" edge: useful tips


The problem of uneven or "runaway" edge is worried not only those who first took the hook, but also those who already have experience in knitting. We tell how to simply and easily avoid this error.

How to get a smooth edge when crocheted

How easy and easy to avoid the problem of uneven or

The most important condition in order to knit a crochet the edge of the product remained smooth - to count the loops in each row. Losses of the loops, especially in monotonous smooth patterns, not so rare even in experienced knitters. Another thing is that experience helps them faster to detect and correct the error.

The next reception is not to take into account the lifting loops when counting the loops in the row. This technique works even if the pattern describes that the lifting loops are considered for the first column. If the lifting loops do not take into account when counting, the edge of the product is obtained more even and neat.

This is how the edge of the canvas linked by columns with Nakud with the implementation of traditional three air loops instead of the first table in a row:

How easy and easy to avoid the problem of uneven or

But if you perform only two hinges instead of a chain of three air loops, while knitting to continue to the very first column, it will be possible to avoid "bulges" and holes on the edges of the product.

How easy and easy to avoid the problem of uneven or

This is how the traditional method of counting the columns looks like in comparison, when the lifting loops are considered for the column (left) and knitting, in which the lifting loops for their own columns are not considered, while it is lying on one air loop less than usual.

How easy and easy to avoid the problem of uneven or

The number of air loops at the beginning of a row, not taken into account when the loop count depends on which the height of the columns are used in the pattern. So, for a semi-solitary and column without an inset, one air loop must be performed, for a column with an attachment - two air loops, for a column with two navigations - three air loops, etc.

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