How to quickly sew curtains with bulbs that are suitable for any cornice configuration


In this master class, I will tell you and show how to independently sew curtains decorated with bulbs. If you already have experience in tailoring curtains on ordinary braid, it will not be difficult to quickly and qualitatively sew such a cloud. If there is no experience, you may need a little more time to tailor.

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Well, let's proceed.

We need:

1. The tissue for the curtains of the width equal to the length of the eaves multiplied by the coefficient of 1.8 or 2 so that the buffers lay down beautiful folds.

2. Curtain braid is not less than 6 cm in height and length equal to the flow of fabric + 5 cm. That is, if, let's say, you have a cornice with a length of 1.5 m, then we will take 2.7-3 m tissues, respectively, Tips 5 cm more.

The height of the fabric is also important here. The most common height of the fabrics intended for sewing curtains is 2.8 m. For conventional ceilings with a height of 2.5-2.6 m, it will be enough. But if the ceilings are higher, it is better to look for a tissue with a height of 2.9 or 3 m.

Curtains with bulbs

If your fabric has an ordinary edge at the bottom, it must be cut and adjust the edge. My tissue has already processed by the factory cradle, so we start working with the bending of the side seams.

Sewing curtains

Some porter fabrics during heat treatment give shrinkage, so before cutting the fabric in height, it is necessary to carefully fly it, preferably with steam, if it is allowed by the manufacturer.

Curtains on braid

From the lower edge of the fabric, we measure the necessary height of the curtains and add from above 36 cm on the Buffes themselves and 1.5 cm on the bending.

Total 37.5 cm.

Curtains for kitchen

Excessly cut off.

Curtains in children

We take the braid and from the other side, which later will be on the finished product will be on a more prominent place, we fell inside out 1.5-2 cm and we are staring.

Do not forget to make lines in those places where cords are held! It is necessary so that later when tightening the cords did not break.

Curtains to order

We combine the upper edge of the curtains and the braid, bent under the bracket of 1.5 cm fabric.

Sew curtains

We add to the upper edge.

How to quickly sew curtains with bulbs that are suitable for any cornice configuration

At the end of the seam is free, not a fitted edge of the braid, too, be prevented inward, but do not drain. We finish the seam by the usual pin.

How to quickly sew curtains with bulbs that are suitable for any cornice configuration

Mean from the upper edge of our future curtains down 15 cm, we note and combine with the resulting line of the lower edge of the braid, fix the pins.

How to quickly sew curtains with bulbs that are suitable for any cornice configuration

Carefully laying the second seam, trying not to push the pockets for hooks and a tightening cord. Drink there, where the shooter shows. At the same time, something like scallop is obtained.

How to quickly sew curtains with bulbs that are suitable for any cornice configuration

And again, we repeat - from the second seam down 15 cm, and we combine the bottom of the tape with the resulting line.

How to quickly sew curtains with bulbs that are suitable for any cornice configuration

This is what should happen on the side:

How to quickly sew curtains with bulbs that are suitable for any cornice configuration

The next seam requires care. Better than the resulting rules, too, fasten up pins up, otherwise there is a possibility to capture them at the stroke. And we do not need it.

Now we are flashing below the middle cord, but above the pockets.

How to quickly sew curtains with bulbs that are suitable for any cornice configuration

And once again we repeat the procedure, but now it is already deployed from the last seam down 12 cm. And again we combine the bottom of the braid with the resulting line, fix the pins. At this stage, it would be nice to make sure that we did not make mistakes in the calculations and curtains it is exactly the height that we need. If suddenly the size does not quite correspond to the desired, it is not too late to adjust it by reducing / increasing the lower fold.

How to quickly sew curtains with bulbs that are suitable for any cornice configuration

Now our design looks like this:

How to quickly sew curtains with bulbs that are suitable for any cornice configuration

The last seam remained - along the lower edge of the curtain braid.

How to quickly sew curtains with bulbs that are suitable for any cornice configuration

The result of our work:

How to quickly sew curtains with bulbs that are suitable for any cornice configuration

It remains to bring beauty. Pull the thread-cords from the free, non-stitched end, and we pull the fabric to the desired width (cornice length).

How to quickly sew curtains with bulbs that are suitable for any cornice configuration

How to quickly sew curtains with bulbs that are suitable for any cornice configuration

Unnecessary ropes do not cut off, but gently tying in the node and refuel.

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We raise the resulting beauty, and you can hang a new cutter on the cornice.

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Such curtains are suitable for almost any cornice configuration - a round rod, plastic tire or profile

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