13 ways of deception in the store


Nowadays, deception in stores (and not only there) is a fairly common phenomenon. The most common deception that meets is when there is less surrender than it is supposed to.

13 ways of deception in the store

It is in second place - there is an inspiration, that is, when you paid for one kilogram of apples, and in fact, they were heated 800 g. In this case, as a rule, tune the scales so that they show more value than it actually.

How to protect yourself from such a deception?

First, you need to be guided by the expression: "You trust, but check!".

Secondly, it is desirable to know how you can deceive. Possessing such knowledge, you can prevent deception in the embryo:

1. Double label.

Usually occurs when buying household chemicals. On the packaging of the product that has expired, the expiration date is placed a new label with a later date of manufacture, and, as a result, the shelf life is extended. A new label is sticking right on top of the old. Therefore, when buying, inspect the goods from all sides and pay attention, in which product place and how the shelf life is specified. If you still bought such goods, but you have a check, take a purchased product back to where bought. There you must return the money or change the goods for good quality.

2. Double price.

It is found in large self-service stores. The meaning of this deception is that one price is indicated on the price tag, and when you come up to the checkout to pay, it turns out that it is more expensive. Store employees explain this phenomenon by the fact that they simply do not have time to change price tags. Naturally, this is an explicit violation, including, according to a public contract of sale, the buyer has the right to receive the goods at the price that is written on it. Simply put, the seller is obliged to transfer the goods under the conditions that are indicated on the price tag.

3. Extra goods.

Meets in supermarkets. When buying several units of one product, you can "inadvertently" to break through the check, for example, not three chocolates, and five.

Or you in the check may appear the name of the goods you and the eyes did not see. Sometimes, cashiers are laying next to the box of a sheet with a code of some product, and, while the buyer disassembles his own mountain product, the cashier is imperceptible to the buyer conducts a scanner on this leaf. This is especially "rolling" when the buyer leaves a large amount in the store (for example, three thousand rubles). And if you have not been lazy, looked into the check and discovered an extra product there, then the cashier usually says that there was a failure in a computer program, so information about buying a product of the previous buyer was copied to your check.

In any case, if you discovered the goods in the check that did not buy, this problem is allowed only by no departure from the cashier. If you find a hoax already at home - it is unlikely that you will be returned to money. Most likely, it will be accused of fraud. So be careful, do not pay for what is not in your product basket! And check the check without departing from the cashier!

4. Double pay for one product.

When you come to the cashier to pay for purchases, closely follow how the cashier breaks your goods. Sometimes cashiers break through the same product several times. Quite often it happens when you have many products. Therefore, check the check without departing from the box office. If you notice the "superfluous" name, then you have the full right to demand to return the money or provide the goods paid by you.

5. Subtitution of commodity codes.

This kind of deception is that usually the barcode of the goods read the scanner, but sometimes the cashier drives it with his hands. This is at that moment this fraud is manifested: the cashier can enter the code of more expensive product than in fact. For example, instead of a chocolate code for 20 rubles, you may have a chocolate candy code for 100 rubles. Therefore, be careful!

6. Automatic price increase for goods.

This phenomenon is manifested when you buy a lot of products in the supermarket. In a program, with which the barcode of the goods is scanned, the task is put in advance so that with a large amount (for example, from 500 rubles and above), the price of the next product increased automatically. Accordingly, the larger the purchase (or more items of goods), the more extra money will be taken with you! That is, the more you take, the more difference.

7. Purchase without a check.

Sometimes, if the seller sees that the buyer is in a hurry, he deliberately slows the goods, and then says that due to technical problems will have to wait minutes to wait. In this case, the buyer waves his hand, asks to call the amount, pays for it, and leaves. And the seller remains with "Tea". Or, sometimes, they simply do not give a check, they say, forgot, or at all he is not discharged.

8. Not punched goods.

Sometimes, the cashier (they say, did not notice) does not pierces the goods laid out on the tape, and at the exit from the store alarm is triggered. The guards begin to scare you by the police if you do not pay this product in a double (triple) size. And to prove to them that you and in my thoughts did not have anything to steal - it is useless, since the guards agree in advance with the cashier about such a "trick." Many come across this Western, and to protect themselves from problems with the police, they pay to deceivers.

If this happened to you (God forbid, of course!), I know: the security does not have the right to search you and your things, it can only delay you before the law enforcement officer coming. Therefore, if your conscience is clean, call the police. It was the employee of this law enforcement agencies to draw up a protocol and collect testimony.

9. Shares and discounts on the goods.

On against some product there is a price tag with the inscription "Promotion", they say, only today you can purchase a package of milk not for 30 rubles, and for 23 with kopecks. In fact, there is no shares, it's just another tricky move so that the people buy the goods, prices usually remain the same. And sometimes, before carrying out such an action, for example, a week before it, the price of some kind of product increases sharply, and when the action is declared, the same price is written. And it turns out that there is no discounts at all.

10. Purchase + gift.

Now I often began to take stocks, like: "Buy TV - get second for free!". In fact, it is also a hoax. Only cheese in mousetrap can be free. And here you pay for both things, with the only difference that the price will only be indicated for one (but for two). And you will consider what they really bought only one thing, and the second donated you. That is, all these prizes, gifts, bonuses are already included in the purchase price and cover the cost of the store to hold them.

11. Distracting maneuver.

It is often found. Imagine such a picture: you buy some kind of product, stretch the cashier of bills, say, 100 rubles. Here the cashier exclaims: "Oh, I see you have a discount card, you have a discount!" You extend her a card, she turns her in her hands, then returns with the words: "No! This is not that! ", And pulls hands for money. You answer her: "I gave you (a) money!", Cashier: "No, not given! I have no! ", And in confirmation of your words, shows you a cashier with money, where you are full of identical bills. Naturally, to recognize "your" it will be difficult for you. As a rule, in such a situation, the buyer remains in fools, because most people will not argue, because if there are no witnesses, they still will not prove their right.

12. Foods with food.

Here and at all you can speak to infinity. But list the most common ways of deception in this area:

As a rule, on the shelves with the edge place the product was previously brought, but in a distant wall as one and there are fresh products. This is especially related to fermented milk and bakery products.

Fruits and vegetables, packed and weighted in advance, usually weigh less than the specified mass, and cost, respectively, more expensive. How to check it out? In stores there must be control scales, where every buyer can independently weigh the purchase.

Spending food, sometimes packaged in food foil, and defects are disguised with bright stickers.

13. Weling.

Here are a lot of tricks:

When you have something to weigh the goods, pay attention to the scales - zeros should burn on them.

In order for the buyer to not notice that the scales are "exhibited" by 30-50 g, the battery is left on the counterweight, and it is not removed during the product. Either it is removed only after the product is laid on the scales.

Also, when the inspired is used wrapping paper, folded in several layers, which is placed on the counterweight.

Perhaps, when buying vegetables and fruits, you met sellers with arrow scales. Here for the insulation, the following is invented: a large scale of the scales turn over (they say, it is more convenient to weigh). The cup itself has flights on the reverse side and the wire limiter. So, when weighing the goods, to this wire limiter on the clip suspended potatoes or bulbs. Thus, you can be dried by 50-100 or for this wire limiter tie a thread that is hiding under the counter, and when weighing the product is stretched. In this way, abolished for 30-100 g.

The most common way is a lightweight girome, as a rule, 500 or 1000. That is, you probably paid attention, as when weighing the goods on the counterweight, there are several Giri, here is one of these weights and may be lightweight.

And, lastly, several useful tips:

- Most often cheat on Fridays and Saturdays (one woman revealed this pattern, which worked in trade for more than 20 years) - especially this manifests itself in the evening when the people are tired or "for fun", yes plus to all of all. Therefore, during this period, the more you need to check the check. Sellers know well that, for example, to calculate a woman with a crying child easier than grandmother-pensioner, which is very closely coming to buying goods.

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