Easy Rose Tape: Master Class


For some reason I never occurred to me that a rose on the fabric is not so easy to embroider. Especially this is from wide braid.

I looked at the process and realized that he would never have thought before.

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And using this vintage flower can be on the bags, and on napkins, and on the pillows, and on the boxes

Draw a circle in the place where we want to arrange a rose

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We divide it for five parts segments (quite conditional)

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Let's put in the hoop. And begin to make the basis, stuck a needle with a double thread into one of the marked points of the segment

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We spend the thread through the next mark and in the center of the circle. And however, what I retell you, look at the pictures, the benefit of them is a lot, and act

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Here for clarity - the reverse side - and how to fix threads

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This is such a "star" should turn out in a circle - its appointment to be a star traveling.

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We proceed with the rose itself and turn on the game braid. Tape (cm 30 length for a large flower) We do in a needle, make a node at the end, which is necessarily

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Now the needle rolled closer to the center from the wrong side - it may not be so simple, we are now taped sew

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Now we twist the braid around the needle several times so that it is waves, but not too cool. However, the presence of waves must, we start winding the rose.

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Each ray stars braid need to be sewed either on top of the beam or below. So - every time alternating the place of attachment

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Thus forming petals, fill the whole star

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Finishing, pull out the needle through the fabric, under the rose to make a knot. All movements are neat and leisurely, otherwise you can spoil all the work. Cut an extra flambery, but so that it remains to close the seams slightly. But covering the seams and nodes need to be sewed in the middle of the beads.

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For patient and amp - another rose - smaller size and on a lace motive.

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The whole process is the same, but the circle and the star (with the rays) we do already on lace. And this will already be Shebbi-Chic!

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