Secrets of women's attractiveness from Darya Dazombre


Female attractiveness - a piece of thin. To his shame, I must admit that I meet by clothes. It makes itself felt years of study conducted in the Paris Fashion High School, and work in the field of Luxe. But I sincerely believe that your outfit is the most direct way to tell you who are you surrounding the world. You can dress sexually, it is possible - stylish. Each of us plays on your field. My point of reference is the style. Therefore, my tips relate to the ability to look stylish.

Secrets of women's attractiveness from Darya Dazombre

Style is a contrast. Do not be afraid to mix. For example: romantic chiffon dress or tower and leather biker jacket. Large mating Wide sweater with a gate A la "Skiing in the stoves stand" and a narrow skirt with a boat on the heel. Or a strict business suit, and with it - frivolous kediki. In a word, elegant classic - with rocker, light translucent fabrics - with rude and thick, pink - with orange, orange - with red, red - with green. Etc.

Style is a multi-layered. I should not wear a t-shirt under the throat with long sleeves, on top - a T-shirt with a deep neckline, on her - a straw-free, on a sleeveless - a jacket, on a jacket - a raincoat. True, the base (the same T-shirt under the throat) is almost always white. And further - dark blue, beige, gray, chocolate and snack - a bright scarf. Put out the cabinet and play with thin knitwood things. You will be surprised how unexpectedly can merge in a gust of a couple of T-shirts, a jacket and jacket. Until you try - you can not guess!

Style is a combination of male and female things. Oh! My disease began during pregnancy, when I was whistled from the man's head of his old, the end of the 90s, Cashmere Sweaters with a V-neck. Another of the high-quality Scottish cashmere, which is not only not covered by the numerous styles, and on the contrary, it becomes only softer. Then men's shirts went into the move - white, with double cuffs and cufflinks (cufflinks also had to steal). It turned out very elegant: noble dark green cashmere, firmly starched white shirt gates, slightly peeking cuffs, assigns a cufflink. I liked so much that after pregnancy I continued the experiment: somehow the sales bought men's polo on the sale (XS size), men's shirts with a small print, men's straight pants from Venelvet to a large rut ... All this, being bright colors, scared Customer buyers (owners of a classic taste) and, well-lived to the end of the sale, was purchased literally for a penny.

Now I broke down completely: sellers of male clothing departments meet with open arms. There I buy twice cheaper jeans fight Frand, who other girls are looking for in special collections for women, as well as sweaters, suspenders, bright neck scarves ... It happened to find a silk dress in the women's department and, passing to men, acquire a shift to it Large knit running in contrast (see paragraph 1). Take care: as a reward, instead of champagne, you will get a style and save a lot of money.

Invest in outerwear. The most expensive things in my wardrobe are raincoat, coat and down jacket. There is a simple explanation - these things you will be every day for several seasons. We do not wear a single skirt for three months in a row, right? Therefore, initially the coat "amortized" is much better. Light on it, and it will be a frame for the entire seasonal wardrobe.

Choose what to show. Watching homeland, I am surprised to look at the compatriots. Obviously, the demographic crisis talked them to them. The girls go on a date, as in the last, decisive fight, demonstrating everything that she has in stock: legs - minibe, chest - in a deep neckline, naked belly, as well as back (what if the fan jumps on her from the back?!) . If the climate does not allow nude, the pants who are tosing a bust of the sweaters come into the case ... I want to approach each and say: honey, not all at once. Give it to work it imagination. Leave anything for the second meeting.

So, the principle: either a decollet or mini. With a wide top (sweater, direct jacket), narrow bottom (pencil skirt, narrow jeans), and on the contrary. Either - but this is my frequent option - all things are volumetric, which means comfortable, not shy movements. And there is already up to the grace not far ...

As for the grace ... However, we will talk about it next time.

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