Domestic tricks from the journals of the USSR


Tips in the Spirit "Why throw out, if you can redo" young people seriously consider the specialty of society, he has expensive to understand the environmental problems and the fight against contestant. In general, modern rich countries like the United States or Sweden. In fact, the tips of this type were known before: they were printed, for example, in the calendars and magazines of the USSR.

Domestic tricks from the journals of the USSR

Tips with what is now called Lifehaki or Reus, they were printed literally everywhere: from the magazine "Worker" to "Science and Life". These tips sometimes cut out and carefully hosted in a separate daddy, next to recipes. The reason was like a banal lack on the shelves of a plurality of topical small things, and the remaining of the peasant ancestors, economicism and quarrels - after all, the descendants of the peasantry was the absolute majority of the population.

Many tips sent journal readers. Sometimes the heading was carried out his staff specialist in fiction and smelter. Sometimes the recommendations proceeded from people who know physics or chemistry well, and it was very noticeable

Domestic tricks from the journals of the USSR

Magic rod

One of the most popular items for the Reus, repair of other things and the creation of missing, but very necessary, played a rod from the ballpoint handles. Probably, in many families they did not throw them away, but were looking for how to adapt to business.

From the brass part of the rod, for example, plug connections for a tape recorder. Of course, only one piece of the rod was not enough: the wire soldered to it, and all this in the desired quantity was inserted into the rubber plug. You may not even try to imagine all this. Better look at the picture.

Domestic tricks from the journals of the USSR

From an empty rod, they could make a tassel for drawing, which should not be washed. For this, the rod was thoroughly washed from the paste, the folding cord was thicked in half and retracted into the rod with a loop of string. After that, the protruding part of the cord was spinning. When the paint was falling at such a brush, the cord pulled a little outward and the fan tip simply snried.

True, it was not very comfortable to keep so thin brushes. But it was possible not to be upset that the child once again spoiled a brush from natural fur. In addition, such brushes, cutting the rod up to half, were used as cosmetic resourceful Soviet girls.

Domestic tricks from the journals of the USSR

With the help of a handle rod, a new knitting hook was made of broken. The hooks with a plastic handle loved to break exactly the handle. The separated metal part was glued into the washed rod and knit more calmly. From the plastic part of the rod, adapters for gas lighters were made, cutting the rod to the desired door. And the brass part could serve to repair the folding umbrella.

Some glasses for eyes

Many applications were found for broken Christmas toys. To begin with, they were interpreted, and then ... it was possible to sprinkle with dust from fragments of cotton "snow" on the New Year tree, it was possible with the help of glue to pick up the arrows on the alarm clock, so that even at night, thanks to the wagon from the light from the street, you could see how much time .

Domestic tricks from the journals of the USSR

Modesta mixed them with eye shadows (with the same purpose, dried and legged pieces of bronze and silver paint were used). Children spoke on an uneteble paint in the heading headline. Singer Evgeny Belousov decorated as his concert costume!

Whatever can be all anything

After the holidays, business citizens did not throw plugs from wines and champagne. From the tube for champagne, cutting everything too much, it was possible to make a mesh for the hole in the sink in the kitchen. Conventional traffic jams served floats in homemade children's rods, comfortable handles in the covers from the pan (which were then made completely metraply). If there was no drill and there was a desire to hang photos of relatives on the wall, the nail under the photo rushed into a clipped cork glued to the end to the wall. From the plugs made greeting curtains between the rooms.

A good thing was a tube from lipstick. On the one hand, you can attach something, the other is covered. Popular were, for example, needles: under the size of the tube sewed a pad, and, thanks to the fact that the tube was closed, wearing and carrying the needles with you anywhere. From the black curved tube from the back side of the broken refrigerator did the heating tube for the tank in the summer soul: the pipe heats up the sun, and the water began to circulate, gradually heating.

Domestic tricks from the journals of the USSR

Lifehac from Soviet physicists

From the old toothbrush, it was recommended to cut off the stalk and with the help of heating or bend it by making a hook on the wall or in a closet, or attach the same broken knitted hook. From it - and another bolt and a piece of aluminum spoon - made a cutlery for a folding hiking spoon. Aluminum calculations with a long thin handle were flexible so that you can cling to the chest pocket: it was convenient to wear with me, and at the same time she slightly decorated with clothes, giving the opportunity to diversify their appearance and not arouse the comprehensive citizens.

Tricks Housewives

Citrus were great value. They were not only served on the table. The crusts of lemons, oranges, tangerines, grapefruits were used to aromatize drinks, for alcohol tinctures, to create cosmetics at home, to impart glasses with glassware (it was necessary to put crusts in a pelvis with warm water and washed then glasses and glasses there). Citrus crust shifted clothes on the shelves to keep the fresh flavor. Imcessful crusts chewed to refresh their breath.

Domestic tricks from the journals of the USSR

In no hurry to throw out the sleepy tea. From it made masks for the eyes, they cleaned carpets and upholstered furniture, they returned the cream tone to sweaters from non-leather sheep wool. I was in no hurry to throw out the prickly categories, tights and tracks. The tracks were put on the socks under the winter shoes so that the woolen thread was erased. In pieces of stockings tied the surmock and washing with this strange sponge dishes. Pants Tights were tightened to a badminton racket instead of a broken mesh from the fishing line. Rottened kapron threads were used to sew a relatively new tights or sew back beginners to dry the zipa teeth - not always a zipper of the desired color or size could also go and buy. Finally, everyone knows such a trick as the use of old stockings as a mesh for storing onion and garlic.

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