5 amazing jelly desserts


French jelly dessert was and remains one of the most delicious desserts in the world. Another Bonaparte with his wife was taught by this dish at the dining table.

5 amazing jelly desserts

Jelly rice dessert

You will need (for 2 servings):

4 tbsp. l. boiled rice

150 g of cottage cheese

1 tbsp. l. gelatin

5 tbsp. l. low-fat cream (or milk)

2 tbsp. l. Sahara

vanilla sugar

Cinnamon hammer


Rice drunk in sweetened water until ready. The proportions of rice and water are indicated on the packaging of cereals.

Gelatin is soaked in a small amount of warm water, let me swell and then dissolve it in a water bath.

We connect cottage cheese, cream (or milk), sugar, vanilla sugar, cinnamon and mix the blender.

To the cottage cheese, add the gelatin mass and fig. Mix thoroughly. Figure can be pre-grinding with a blender or leave the integer for the texture of the dessert.

We break out a lot of molds and send to the refrigerator to stick.

So that the jelly can be easily removed from the form, we lower it down in hot water for a few seconds, and then turn over.

Dessert is served with a favorite sweet sauce, melted chocolate or jam.

5 amazing jelly desserts

Chocolate jelly

You will need:

120 g of bitter chocolate

500 ml of milk

10 g gelatin

Sugar at will


To begin with, we need to boil milk.

Then we take gelatin, soaked it in a small amount of warm water, let me swell and dissolve in a water bath.

Ready gelatin add to milk. The mixture is a bit warming up and intensively stirring.

Black chocolate lying on pieces and connect with milk. Mix to completely dissolve chocolate until there is a mass of homogeneous color.

The mixture is poured into the form and send to the refrigerator. Ready dessert can be sprinkled with grated chocolate or almond petals.

5 amazing jelly desserts

Jelly cake from kiwi and sour cream

You will need:

For korzh:

400 g of sand cookies

150 g of butter

For I Jelly:

2 packs jelly with kiwi taste

2 pcs. kiwi

25 g gelatin

For II jelly:

750 g sour cream

500 ml of milk

35 g gelatin

200 g sugar


First we knew the cookies so that it turns into a small crumb, then mix it with melted creamy oil. The dough should be wet enough.

On the bottom of the detachable form, the food film is laid and put the dough there. In order for the surface to be smooth, give the dough with a spoon. We put the form in the refrigerator.

In a slightly cooled boiled milk add gelatin and stirred it until complete dissolution.

Sour cream with sugar whipped with a mixer. Do not turn off the mixer, carefully with a thin jet, we enter into the sour cream of milk with gelatin, so that the gelatin does not take to the temperature drop of the temperature.

The mixture is poured into the shape on top of the crisser and send it all into the refrigerator for an hour. During this time, the mass should be captured.

Cooking jelly with kiwi aroma according to the instructions on the package.

Kiwi cleanse from the skin, cut slices or slices.

We carry out the form with the dessert from the refrigerator and check whether the surface of the jelly seal. From above, we fill the layer of the cooled green jelly and lay the slices of kiwi. Cake put in the fridge for the night, and in the morning we enjoy a delicious dessert.

5 amazing jelly desserts

Jelly cake "Mosaic"

You will need:

4 packs jelly different colors

400 ml of condensed milk

85 g gelatin


Cooking jelly according to the instructions on the package (in different dishes), then leave the night on the night.

Gelatin is soaked in a small amount of warm water, let you swell and then dissolve in a water bath.

We connect gelatin with condensed milk and mix well.

Color jelly cut into cubes, fall asleep them arbitrarily in a suitable shape and poured condensed milk with gelatin. Leave to stick in the refrigerator

5 amazing jelly desserts

Tart with mandarins

You will need:

100 g of butter

2 egg yolk

130 g of wheat flour

30 g of ground almond

a pinch of salt

125 g of sugar

20 ml of water

300 g sweet cottage cheese

25 g Starch

2 eggs

350 g Mandarins

1 packing jelly without taste and aromatic additives


We prepare the dough: mix the oil, flour, almond crumb, salt and 25 g of sugar. We rub the mixture into the crumb and add yolks. We mix tight dough, gradually pouring cold water.

The dough is placed between the sheets of the parchment or the food film so that it can be easily rolled into the subtle layer. Bed is carefully transferred to a lubricated shape, forming flights.

Curd mass is complementary by sugar to taste (if required). Rust with eggs, add starch.

Dough by piercing a fork in several places, lay the filling on top. We bake for 30 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees, then cool.

Cooking jelly according to the instructions.

Tangerines cleanse from the skin and divide on slices. Salz laid out on the surface of Tart and pour jelly. Dessert Send to the fridge to frozen.

5 amazing jelly desserts

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